Chapter 5: Training Together and Stopping Crime

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Peter Parker/Spiderman was their mentor for some time but because of Otto taking over his body he was unable to help train them and even when he was back after he got his body and mind back from Otto/Doc Ock he was kicked out the Avengers along with other superhero groups and this meant he couldn't train further with Ms Marvel, X-23 and Hope.

Now he has the opportunity and took on the role of mentor again to train Laura (X-23) in better harnessing her formidable adamantium claws, Kamala (Ms. Marvel) in mastering her limb-stretching and enlargement powers, and Hope in controlling her mutant abilities to absorb other mutants powers. Their training sessions were difficult yet Peter/Spiderman was determined to help them harness their powers for good, just as he had done with his own abilities.

As their training progressed, the quartet of heroes decided to take to the streets together, patrolling the city and putting their newly honed skills to use. Their first mission was to thwart a bank heist in progress. Peter, Laura, Kamala, and Hope descended upon the scene, their teamwork impeccable.

They made short work of the bank robbers, incapacitating them without causing harm. However, when the public and media arrived, the initial reaction was far from gratitude. The crowd booed and jeered at Spider-Man, their faith in him shattered by years of J. Jonah Jameson's anti-Spider-Man propaganda.

Laura, Kamala, and Hope, however, were having none of it. They stepped forward, defending Spider-Man with fierce determination. "You have it all wrong!" Laura exclaimed, her adamantium claws at the ready. "Spider-Man's mind was taken over by Otto Octavius. The evidence is already out there! How do you not know that?! SPIDERMAN IS INNOCENT" Hope summers chimes in and said the last sentence in a fit of anger towards those whom alienated, abused and didn't believe Spiderman.

Kamala stretched her limbs menacingly, a stern look on her face. "Spider-Man has protected New York City and its people, even when things got very bad. THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT HIM?!!!!"

Hope added her voice to the defense, her eyes glowing with absorbed mutant powers. "You should be thanking him for all the times he's saved this UNGRATEFUL CITY!"

Spider-Man, grateful for the support of his new allies, remained calm and collected. "It's okay, guys. Let them believe what they want. It's not our problem."

With that, the quartet made their exit, swinging back to Parker Industries and Peter's luxury apartment. As they regrouped, Peter couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie. He knew that with allies like Laura, Kamala, and Hope at his side, they could make a difference in the city, one step at a time.

Sitting in Peter's/Spiderman's luxurious apartment that was above his company Parker Industries, with Laura, Hope, and Kamala, Peter contemplated their questions. They asked him why he remained so calm and collected when the public had been disrespectful, ungrateful and mean towards him, and how he managed to hold back any thoughts of revenge against the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Defenders, and Webbed Warriors.

Peter smiled, a wisdom born from years of being Spider-Man evident in his response. "I've come to learn over my time as Spider-Man that there will always be people out there who will hate and dislike you. Often, it's because they're jealous. Jealous that you've become someone special and important, and they try to bring you down to make themselves feel better."

He continued, "But the best thing we can do is to ignore them and focus on those who support and truly respect us. Just like I will ignore them for the time being and focus on training heroes like yourselves. We can't let negativity and hatred consume us. Instead, we must rise above it and continue to do what's right."

Laura, Hope, and Kamala nodded in understanding, appreciating the valuable lesson Peter had imparted. They knew that as superheroes, they would face challenges not only from villains but also from the public's perception. Peter's unwavering resolve to stay true to his principles served as a powerful example for them, reinforcing their determination to make a positive impact on the world, regardless of the obstacles they faced.

Together, they embraced their roles as protectors of the city, with a newfound sense of purpose and unity, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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