Chapter 15: Former Friends and Former Lovers

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As the morning light spilled across the city, Peter Parker decided to take a swinging tour for exercise and to clear his mind. He left Kamala, Hope, Laura, and Silver Sable still resting in his luxurious penthouse, notifying them of his departure before he embarked on his web-swinging route.

Amidst his soaring flight, Peter noticed a figure on a distant rooftop, urgently beckoning for his attention. As he approached, he recognized the familiar form of Yuri Watanabe, the former cop turned vigilante known as Wraith. Memories of their strained relationship after the Superior Spider-Man incident rushed back to him.

Yuri, convinced that Spider-Man had truly turned malevolent during Otto Octavius' control, had resorted to confrontational tactics to catch his attention. Shurikens and knives were flung in Spider-Man's direction, narrowly missing him due to his agile reflexes.

Once Spider-Man alighted on the same rooftop, frustration colored his words. "What are you trying to do, Yuri? Kill me?" he retorted sharply.

Yuri, typically resolute and tough, responded calmly, "I needed your attention, Spider-Man."

"Spare me, Yuri," Spider-Man snapped. "What's the purpose of this?"

In an uncharacteristic tone, Yuri softened her demeanor, acknowledging her mistake in not trusting Spider-Man when Otto Octavius had seized control. She admitted fault, acknowledging that the heroes, including herself, had failed to intervene despite sensing something amiss during that tumultuous time.

Spider-Man, his anger barely contained, erupted with frustration at the collective failure of the heroes. His voice carried the weight of disappointment and betrayal he felt. Yuri, visibly guilty, attempted to explain, but Spider-Man's frustration boiled over, disillusioned by the lack of support during his darkest hour.

"You betrayed me even when Otto Octavius took over my body, you are really no different from others who did the same" he stated.

In the midst of their conversation, Yuri inquired about his current alliances with other heroes. Spider-Man tersely acknowledged the support of Ms. Marvel, Hope Summers, Laura Kinney/X-23, and Silver Sable. However, he made it clear that their actions were the only reason he was back fighting crime, emphasizing his disillusionment with the broader hero community.

Yuri, grappling with the weight of Spider-Man's words and her own regret, watched him swing away, feeling defeated. His disappointment cut through her, echoing the guilt she carried for not standing by him during his time of need.

As Spider-Man disappeared into the skyline, Yuri remained on the rooftop, her thoughts consumed by the stark reality of her misplaced trust and the consequences of the heroes' failure to support one of their own.

As Spider-Man swung through the city, relishing the freedom of the air and the early morning light, he felt the familiar tingle of his Spider-Sense. Reflexively, he dodged to the side just in time to avoid a powerful strike. He initially thought it might be Yuri/Wraith trying to catch up to him again, but as he turned to face his attacker, he was taken aback. It was Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, and she looked furious.

"Cat, what are you—" Spider-Man began, but she cut him off with a fierce shout.

"Shut it, BUG!" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "Ever since you beat me up, I got sent to prison, and I had my precious valuables repossessed and taken from me. People know about my true identity now, and everyone around me started to distance themselves and avoid me. All because of you. YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING FOR ME, SPIDER-MAN!"

"Cat, you know that wasn't me. That was Otto Octavius in my body and mind, doing evil things. The evidence has already been released not too long back!" Spider-Man tried to explain, his voice tinged with desperation.

"I don't care," she snarled. "I COULD SQUASH YOU UNDER MY BOOT, BUG!" Her face twisted into a sinister smirk, and she let out an enraged scream as her claws extended. Two burly henchmen stepped out from behind her, each looking equally menacing.

"I'm going to KILL YOU!" she shrieked, launching herself at Spider-Man with ferocity. Her henchmen followed suit, adding their own weight to the assault. Spider-Man, determined not to hurt Felicia, used his agility and defensive maneuvers to evade their blows. He knew he couldn't fight her the way he fought other criminals; their history was too complicated, their past too intertwined.

Felicia's attacks grew more aggressive. She clawed, punched, and kicked with a level of violence that spoke to her deep-seated rage. Suddenly, she hurled a Molotov cocktail at him. Spider-Man narrowly avoided it, but the bottle shattered against a nearby car, igniting it in flames. The fire quickly spread to the surrounding buildings.

"What are you doing?!" Spider-Man shouted, his voice a mixture of anger and panic. "You're going to kill innocent civilians!"

"I don't care!" Felicia shot back, her eyes wild with fury. She tackled Spider-Man, landing blow after blow, her movements a blur of rage-fueled violence.

At that moment, Silver Sable, Ms. Marvel, Laura Kinney/X-23, and Hope Summers arrived on the scene. "Am I glad to see all of you," Spider-Man said, relief evident in his voice.

Ms. Marvel and Hope Summers immediately set to work evacuating civilians and trying to contain the fire. Silver Sable and Laura Kinney joined Spider-Man in confronting Felicia and her henchmen. Sable drew her guns, but Spider-Man quickly interjected. "No killing, Sable. We need to take them alive."

Laura engaged Felicia, her adamantium claws flashing in the sunlight as she distracted the Black Cat. Spider-Man, seizing the opportunity, shot webs at the henchmen, flipping them upside down and leaving them hanging by their legs from a lamppost. With a coordinated effort, Sable and Laura landed heavy blows on Felicia, stunning her long enough for Spider-Man to web her up tightly.

Felicia struggled against the webs, her rage unabated. Silver Sable produced a high-tech restraining net and encapsulated Felicia within it. "The cat is in the bag," she remarked dryly.

Laura, still brimming with anger, raised her claws to deliver a final, lethal strike. "DON'T!" Spider-Man shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "She's a criminal, but we don't need to go that far. Not yet."

Laura paused, her claws inches from Felicia's throat. She glared at the Black Cat, but she obeyed Spider-Man's command, retracting her claws with a reluctant nod.

Spider-Man contacted Nick Fury, explaining the situation. Fury, recognizing the severity of Felicia's actions, arranged for her and her henchmen to be transported to the Raft, the high-security prison designed for supervillains. As the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents took Felicia and her goons away, she spat venomous words at Spider-Man, but he stood firm, his resolve unwavering.

Spider-Man turned to his team, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you. All of you. For having my back."

They exchanged a heartfelt group hug, a moment of solidarity and support in the face of adversity. Spider-Man knew that, despite the betrayals and doubts from other heroes, he had a core group of allies who believed in him and stood by his side. And that, he thought, was more valuable than anything else.

As they separated, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Spider-Man couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. With allies like Silver Sable, Ms. Marvel, Laura Kinney, and Hope Summers, he was prepared to face whatever the world threw at him. The morning light now seemed a little brighter, the burden of his past mistakes a little lighter, as he swung away with his friends by his side, ready to protect the city and its people.

They all returned to Peter's penthouse, weary but satisfied with their teamwork. As they settled in, each found solace in the company they kept. Peter, Silver Sable, Kamala, Laura, and Hope had become a family of sorts, bound not by blood but by trust, respect, and shared experiences. They knew that together, they could face any challenge, and that knowledge gave them the strength to carry on.

The night drew in, and as they prepared for bed, there was a sense of peace and camaraderie. Peter knew that with friends like these, no matter what came next, they would face it together. And that, in itself, was a victory worth celebrating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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