4. Mate.

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Taehyung's heart raced with anticipation and worry, his wolf restless at finally encountering his mate. Anxious questions filled his mind, demanding answers about her condition and their future together.

As they arrived at the royal mansion, Taehyung wasted no time and carried Y/n in his arms to the mansion's hospital, knowing that his brother Namjoon would be there. Aware that the pack hospital was too far away, he couldn't risk the delay.

Spotting Taehyung's urgent approach, Namjoon swiftly summoned the doctors, already sensing the importance of the situation from his brother's demeanor. Y/n was immediately placed on a stretcher, whisked away into the care of the medical team.

Meanwhile, Taehyung remained outside the hospital room with Y/n's distraught mother. A nurse attended to her, offering solace and care amidst her continuous tears. Fortunately, her mother only sustained minor scratches, a relief in the midst of the chaos.

As Y/n's mother sat in the waiting area, her eyes filled with tears of worry and fear, Taehyung approached her with a gentle yet determined demeanor. Kneeling in front of her, he addressed her with utmost respect.

"Mother," Taehyung's voice was steady yet filled with empathy, "I promise you, we'll do everything we can to ensure your daughter's well-being. She's strong, and she'll pull through this."

He held out a glass of water to her, urging her to drink to calm her nerves. As she sipped the water, her eyes brimming with questions and hope, she hesitated before asking, "Are you her mate?"

Taehyung met her gaze with sincerity, "Yes, I am. Your daughter, she's my mate. I'll protect her with everything I have."

Y/n's mother, overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation yet reassured by Taehyung's words, nodded silently, placing her trust in him to safeguard her daughter's life.

As Taehyung sat beside Y/n's mother, he gently inquired about what had transpired, his concern evident in his eyes. Y/n's mother took a deep breath, her voice trembling as she recounted the events that had unfolded.

"The prince... he kept trying to mark her," she began, her voice heavy with distress. "Y/n, she fought back with everything she had. She protected me, even in the face of danger."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of Y/n's bravery palpable. Taehyung listened intently, his heart swelling with admiration and concern for his mate. He placed a comforting hand on Y/n's mother's shoulder, silently conveying his gratitude for her daughter's courage.

Together, they sat in the quiet of the hospital waiting room, united in their shared concern for Y/n's well-being and determined to support her through whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Namjoon emerged from the room, Taehyung and Y/n's mother anxiously awaited his assessment. Namjoon's expression was somber as he relayed the extent of Y/n's injuries.q

"Y/n has two broken ribs, stitches on her back, an injured hand, and various other injuries," Namjoon explained, his voice tinged with concern. "It will take some time for her to heal, but she will be okay."

Relief washed over Taehyung and Y/n's mother at the news that Y/n would recover, though they knew it would be a challenging journey ahead. Taehyung thanked Namjoon for his care and expertise, grateful for his brother's reassurance during such a trying time.

Together, they resolved to support Y/n in her recovery, offering her the love and care she needed to heal both physically and emotionally from the ordeal she had endured.

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