Parting is such sweet sorrow

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"That was so much better than rollercoasters!" Tony giggled, still wobbling as Rudolph placed him gently onto the windowsill. Flying with Rudolph was by far the most fun he ever had. Tony loved the wind in his hair, the feeling of being weightless, the way his stomach flipped when Rudolph did loopty-loops, and the way the vampire boy's chilled hand felt holding his own.

Rudolph floated outside the window, still holding Tony's hand. He looked like a dancer, suspended in starlight. So graceful . . .

Rudolph looked down, took a deep breath, and then looked up at Tony with a serious expression in his deep, maroon eyes.

"Tomorrow's your last night in Germany, isn't it?"

Tony's lungs deflated. He didn't want to think about leaving.

"Yeah . . ."

"Well." Rudolph cleared his throat and floated closer. "I've been meaning to ask you. Tony Thompson, would you consider going on a date with a vampire?"

"Wh—what?" Tony sputtered. Date? What did Rudolph mean? What vampire wanted to date him?

Rudolph adjusted the lapel of his leather jacket with the hand that wasn't holding Tony's, just like he had when he spun all the cold water off of Tony after Anna suggested he—

Oh. Of course. Anna. Tony frowned. Rudolph must have been setting him up with his sister. Tony thought Anna was cool, but did he want to go on a date with her? He wasn't so sure. He'd never been on a date before. Tony didn't feel any butterflies in his stomach when he was with Anna. Not like the butterflies he felt when Rudolph took him flying . . . But, Anna was brave, and smart, and very beautiful. He should say yes, right? There was no reason not to. He'd give it a shot. Sure, why not?

"Uh, I guess so." Tony scratched the back of his head with the hand that wasn't holding Rudolph's.

Rudolph's jaw dropped. He almost looked . . . offended? But then he shook his head and smiled softly.

"Tomorrow, at sunset, wait by the castle doors. And wear the nicest clothes you've packed."

"O . . . Okay."

Rudolph brought Tony's hand to his cool lips and kissed his knuckles. Tony's heart did a flip-flop, and he gulped. What was that for? Perhaps hand-kisses were just the standard vampire farewell?

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." Rudolph teased. "That I shall say good day 'til it be morrow."

And with that, Rudolph released Tony's hand and flew off in the direction of his new bedroom just as a light pink sunrise crept over the horizon.

Tony sat on his bed staring at the hand Rudolph kissed. His cheeks burned and his knuckles tingled where Rudolph's lips had been.

Oh, man . . . If Tony was going on a date with Anna tomorrow night, that meant tonight had been his last night hanging out with Rudolph. What had he done? He should have said he didn't want to go on a date with Anna. He'd much rather go flying with Rudolph one last time, but it was too late now.

"Uuugghh!" Tony flopped back on the bed, snatched a pillow, and smothered his face with it.

Parting is such a sweet sorrow {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt