Honestly, you started it

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After a marvelous evening of chatting and dancing the night away, Rudolph walked Tony back to the front door of the castle. Stars shone brighter than ever before in the dark purple, cloudless sky, and a cool breeze filled the air with the smell of pine trees.

Tony held his bouquet of roses in one hand and Rudolph's hand in the other, feeling much more confident and secure than he had the last time he stood in this spot. Rudolph turned to face him, and the moonlight highlighted his sharp facial features. How was he that handsome? Really, Tony didn't understand how the entire world didn't have a crush on Rudolph.

"Thank you for a truly magnificent evening, Tony dearest."

Even his voice was handsome. Rudolph brought Tony's hand to his lips without breaking eye contact, and Tony's stomach flip-flopped.

"I had a great time too. I'm so glad the date was with you and not Anna. No offense to her, just . . . You know."

Rudolph smiled and blew air out his nose.

"It makes sense now. That you thought the date was with Anna, I mean. Last night, when I asked if you would consider going on a date with a vampire and you said, "I guess so," I must admit I was a little offended at your nonchalance. You see, in my mind, I'd been courting you for three weeks."

"Courting me?"

"Honestly, you started it. When you let me stay in your room."


Rudolph crossed his arms and leaned back against the door.

"That's a monumental step in vampire courting rituals. Quite forward of you, to be honest, not that I'm complaining."

"I wasn't trying to—I didn't mean—I didn't mean with me with me!" Tony panicked. Rudolph waved his hands in front of him.

"Oh, no, no. Nothing like that. You see, sleeping in the same room—not the same coffin, just the same room—is a sign of deep and intimate trust. It essentially means, 'I trust you not to kill me in my sleep.' So, you can imagine my surprise when a weak little mortal—"

"I'm not weak!" Tony thrust his fists toward the ground. Rudolph stepped forward and placed his hands on Tony's shoulders.

"You're right. You're not weak. In fact, you're the bravest boy I've ever known."

Tony's heart thudded against his sternum and he flushed all over.

"B-Bravest boy? Not person?"

"The bravest person I've ever known would be my aunt Elizabeth, but that's a story for another time. Now, I should let you sleep if I'm to see you off before dawn." Rudolph released Tony's shoulders and Tony pouted at the loss of his touch. He was tired, though. Hearing Rudolph say the word, "sleep" made Tony yawn, and Rudolph's face lit up with a warm smile.

"Even your yawns are irresistibly adorable."

Tony squeaked and hid his face in his hands.

"I'll see you in the morning, before sunrise, okay?" Rudolph said. "Gregory and Anna, and my mother and father, will likely come along as well."

Tony drew his hands away from his face and nodded.

The pair stood there looking at each other for what felt like an eternity. This was when people kiss, right? At the end of the date, at the front door? Tony'd never kissed anyone before. He didn't know how. What if he messed it up? He was forgetting how to breathe properly.

Rudolph seemed to sense Tony's anxiety. He cleared his throat and said, "Well, good night, mortal."

Oh no. Worrying about messing up his first kiss was making Tony do just that. Rudolph turned to leave, floating a few inches off the ground. Tony grabbed him by his elbow, pulled him down, and pressed his lips against Rudolph's cool cheek.

For the three seconds Tony's lips were on Rudolph's cheek, his heart went crazy. He didn't expect that to feel so nice. Rudolph's cheek was smooth and soft and wow. When Tony pulled away from the cheek kiss, Rudolph was positively glowing.

"Yaaaaahooooo!" He shouted and bottle-rocketed up into the sky until Tony could barely see him. Tony laughed and hugged his bouquet of roses to his chest. He knew he was going to dream about this night for the rest of his life.

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