Connected Heart to Heart

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Tony burst out the castle doors wearing a black backpack covered in comic book pins, a white t-shirt with his red hoodie tied around his waist, and he dragged a large, navy-blue duffle bag on wheels behind him. Rudolph and his entire family (including Fredrik, this time), were waiting in the grass. Tony dropped his duffle bag and ran into Rudolph's open arms.

"I don't want to go." He said so only Rudolph could hear. Rudolph held him tightly.

"I wish you could stay."

That reminded Tony what his parents said about visiting again next year, and how maybe the Sackville-Baggs could visit before then, too. He gripped Rudolph's shoulders and bounced on his toes.

"My parents said we can visit again next year!"

Tony's mom and dad were loading their luggage into the bottom of their rental trailer.

"That's the plan!" Bob called back. "As long as I've calculated our finances correctly."

"And maybe . . ." Tony scurried over to Freda. He felt safe asking her about a potential visit to San Diego. She was starting to feel like family. "Maybe you all can visit us in between now and then? Like, maybe winter break?"

Freda smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but Fredrik spoke first.

"We're not Vampir Fledermäuse. We'd never make it across the ocean before sunrise."

Tony's chest tightened. Maybe he'd have to wait a whole year before seeing Rudolph again. Rudolph took his hand and squeezed it.

"We could fly in an airplane." Freda's velvety voice caressed the air and she batted her eyelashes at her husband. "I've always wondered what that would be like."

Fredrik melted a little, but he clearly wasn't fully convinced.

"Surrounded by mortals? Freda, you can't be serious. We'd have to put a muzzle on Gregory here. Not to mention the danger we'd be putting ourselves in if someone discovered what we are."

Freda massaged her husband's shoulders and purred into his ear. "Dottie Thompson's shown me how mortal makeup has advanced. The coverage is really quite astonishing."

"B-but . . ." Fredrik stuttered.

"Look at your son. Three hundred and thirteen years of perpetual loneliness, and now . . . He's in love, Fredrik."

Rudolph gave Tony that look. The one that made him weak in the knees. How could it be that only yesterday morning, Tony hadn't realized he was already head over heels in love with Rudolph Sackville-Bagg? All these feelings—the heart leaping, the stomach swooping, the swooning—They were there since the day he met him, he just hadn't given words to his emotions. Now that he had the words, he couldn't wait to say them.

Freda traced her husband's jawline, turning his face to look back into her eyes.

"I can't help but be reminded of a young Fredrik Sackville-Bagg back in eighteenth century Transylvania, when he swept me off my feet with a song outside my window."

Fredrik visibly softened.

"Well." He cleared his throat. "Perhaps, with this new mortal makeup you speak of, an airplane could be an acceptable method of transportation."

Tony and Rudolph gripped each other's forearms, delighted.

"But!" Fredrik announced. "No one is to speak to a mortal. No one is to so much as look at a mortal. Do you understand me? If any one of you opens your mouth, we'll be taking our leave through the emergency exit."

Rudolph flew to Fredrik and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Father."

Fredrik stiffened but then held Rudolph close. It was a heartwarming sight. Tony got the sense it had been a long time since Rudolph last hugged his dad.

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