Let's get married

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Tooru: Hey, (name)-chan!~
Me: Huh? What is it?
Tooru: You wanna walk home with me? I don't have practice today! We can get crepes and go out and stuff!
Me: I'll pass. Today, I have to clean the classroom so I won't be able to walk with you.
I told him as I pointed to the board.
Tooru: Ehhhh?!?!?!? Wait right here!
Tooru runs off somewhere and comes back.
Tooru: (name)! I switched with your partner today so we can clean up together!
Me: Eh? Oh okay. So after we clean up, what do you want to do?
Tooru: Why don't you come over to my house!? It's been a while since you came over and it's also been a while since I ate your cooking.
Me: But, you just devoured my obentou ten minutes ago.
Me: Okay. Hm...do you even have ingredients at home for me to cook?
Tooru: Nope!
Me: Okay, so first we need to stalk up your fridge with-
Tooru: (name), you should just marry me.
Me: W-w-w-what!?!?!??! *blushes*
Tooru: Yeah! So then we can live together and you can cook for me, wake me up, take a bath with me...
Me: T-that is a-
Tooru: and then we can go places together and do stuff together and it would be so much fun!~
Me: ...*blush darkens* un...it would be a lot of fun wouldn't it be...
Tooru: So are you gonna be my wife starting now?!
That question earned Tooru a huge bump on his head for the rest of the day.
~Extended ending~
While we were cooking, Tooru still kept pestering me about marrying him after high school.
Tooru: (name)!~ So are you gonna marry me?
Me: We'll see...

OBSESSION~Tooru Oikawa~DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now