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            On afternoon, when Tooru and I were walking home together after volleyball practice he suddenly brought up a unexpected question.
Tooru: Ne, (name)?
Me: Hm?
Tooru: Why is it that you don't get jealous of my fans and bothered by my volleyball obsession?
Me: Cause I've known you ever since. It's not that difficult to get accustomed to.
Tooru: Eh? But, don't you ever get jealous?
Me: Depends.
Tooru: On?
Me: What I am jealous of.
Tooru: How about food?
Me: Of course.
Tooru: Then how about me?
Me: Not really.
Tooru: Ha? Whyyyyyyyyy?!
Me: Because it's been like this for years.
Tooru: But as my girlfriend you have to be jealous!
Me: Not really. That's just too much work.
Tooru: But then, isn't art too much work then? I mean, you have to paint and then draw and then paint again.
With that, he earned a smack in the head.
Me: Art and you are different. Art is a hobby, you are someone important to me. And to be honest, whether you know it or not, I do get jealous of your fans and/or how you pay more attention to volleyball than me but I decided not to make a big fuss over it and ignore it!
After saying that I just walked away from him; a couple of days after, he went back to his usual self. He continued to flirt with other girls while I was in the shadows drawing. What was I drawing? I was drawing different sitting, standing, and serving positions of Tooru. Once the last bell rang I wasn't in a hurry anymore. I took my time to get packed up and walked out of the school.
As I was walking home, I bumped into Tobio.
Tobio: Ah! (name)-senpai!
Me: Oh, Tobio-kun! What brings you here?
Tobio: Ah, nothing just getting some new shoes here. Are you walking home by yourself?
Me: Ah... yeah... Tooru has practice today so it's just me.
Tobio: you want to get something to drink? It's been some time since we actually talked. IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU LIKE THAT! It's just....that you were older sister to me...
Me: Haha, I'll pay don't worry. I know you just spent a lot on your new volleyball shoes so I'll let you off the hook for now.
We both entered a nearby café to sit down and talk.
Tobio: How are you and Assikawa?
Tobio: Ah, sorry. I didn't know it ended up this bad.
Me: It's nothing.
Tobio: What happened?
I told him what happened on the way home a couple of days ago.
Everyone in the café looked at Tobio and I apologized for him.
Me: It's alright really. If we really aren't meant to be, then we really aren't. Maybe it's better this way.
Tobio: I don't like how (name)-senpai always has to stick up for him.
Me: Are you pouting?
Tobio: NO!
Me: *sighs* Doesn't matter. If it isn't meant to be then, it's not meant to be unless the other party decides to change.
Tobio: I-
Tooru: What do you mean it's not meant to be!? WE ARE SOULMATES! THERE IS NO WAY AM I GONNA GIVE UP ONE OF THE BEST THINGS IN MY LIFE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT SAYING! You are everything to me. Even if I have to give up volleyball, I would do it for you.
Me: *takes out some money and places it on the table* I'll see you later Tobio-kun.
I walk out of the café and started my way back home until, there was fast paced footsteps running after me.
Tooru: (NAME)!
I stop to turn around and he just hugged me.
Tooru: I'm sorry! I know I made you upset and I know I made you feel lonely! I'm sorry! The only reason why I was flirting with girls for the past couple of days was to make you jealous! I have no relations with them! I'm sorry if I made you feel alone! I'm sorry for being so stupid and haven't paid much attention to you! I'm so-
Without warning, I just pulled him by his tie and kissed him. He just stared at me with his eyes widen. I just turned away from him and continued walking home. He ran after me screaming my name and hugging me from behind as I walked. Once we entered my house I went into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Once we were both done with dinner I was somehow dragged into his lap and was forced to be his pillow.
After a while, I heard slight snoring and apparently Tooru was sleeping on my shoulder as I was sitting in between his legs.
~Extended Ending~
Me: *sigh* what an idiot. Did he think that I wasn't jealous of those girls when he was flirting with them?
Tooru: You were?!
Me: What the-!? I thought you were asleep!?
Tooru: I was half asleep until I heard you mumble to yourself.
Me: Hmph
Tooru: I love yoooooo-
I picked up a cushion off the floor and hit him in the face with it.
Tooru: OOF What was that for?!
Me: Just shut up and go to sleep!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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