Romance VS Stove (part 2 of Let's get married)

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     And we continued walking home together, hand in hand with the groceries.
Tooru: Is that a yes or no?
Me: We'll see...
Tooru: Ehhhhhhh!?!? Can't you just give me a straightforward answer?
Me: Nope
Tooru: Whyyyyyy!?
Me: Just because if I gave you a straightforward answer you would tell everyone whether I would or not.
Tooru: I won't!
Me: Fine, I'll tell you.
Tooru: And?
Me: I won't marry you.
Tooru: Eh? But I thought you loved me!
Me: I still do. And you didn't even let me finish!
Tooru: Sorry!
Me: I'm not going to marry you because I'm already bound to you by life....and sometimes against my own will but that's not the point. The point is...I already feel as if....we are married...
I quickly turn away from him to hide my blushing and embarrassing face from him and continued to cook for the both of us while trying to remain calm. Not working!
Suddenly, Tooru wrapped his strong arms around me and nuzzled his head at the base of my neck.
Me: Tooru?
Tooru: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.... I feel the same way. I feel like we are soulmate; two people that are meant for one another...that is how I feel about us, that we are meant for one another.
Me: Tooru...
Tooru: Shhhhh....
Me: Tooru....
Tooru: (name) you are ruining the moment here...
Me: Tooru, you better turn around if you don't want to burn down the apartment.
Tooru: Eh?
Tooru quickly turns around to see that the pot is bubbling and the soup is about to drip down from the pot onto the stove and lowered the setting for the stove.
Tooru: oops...hehehe.
I just walk up to him and hug him.
Tooru: Eh? (name)?
Me: You are a big idiot...but you are my idiot.
Tooru: Hehe, (name)...
Me: Hm?
Tooru: I love you, so please stay with this big idiot forever...
Me: Of course... who do you think would take care of you?
Tooru: Hehe
Me: Okay, let's get everything set. The food is done so just set the table.
Tooru: okay.
~Extended Ending~
Me: Thank goodness the miso soup wasn't burnt or anything...
Tooru: Sorry.
Me:...tastes like happiness.
Tooru: Well, I made it with you so it got some of my happiness!
Me: Sometimes Tooru, you need to know when to feel sad...especially in front of me.
Tooru: Why?
Me: Because, I want you to rely on me more. I'll be your soft place to fall when volleyball and studying is too hard to handle at the moment.
Tooru: But I already rely on you a lot...I don't want to make it more stressful for you.
Me: It's fine. That's what a girlfriend is for, to support you and help you when times get tough. You aren't a burden to me... you are more like the be than that.
Tooru: (n-nameeeeeeee)~ *sniffles*
Me: Eh? *grabs tissues and hands them to Tooru*
Instead of taking the tissues, he grabbed my hand and pulled me right into his chest.
Tooru: Then, I shall be your soft place to fall as well! Hehe.
Me: Let's just eat.

OBSESSION~Tooru Oikawa~DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now