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Valeria Rockefeller is no stranger to luxury - fancy dinner parties, obnoxiously expensive vehicles, obtaining anything with a snap of her fingers - so it came to no surprise when she was mentioned in one of the richest American men's will.

With admirable elegance and curiosity, she follows the Hawthorne siblings (and an outsider; a girl) in their foolish adventures which they were positive were clues to their grandfather's last game, created before his passing.

Old feelings resurface, hidden secrets are revealed, and more lives are in danger than not - what will happen when the six young adults discover the truth? Was the old man insane in the mind, or was he only trying to prove a point before his last breath?



A book by mmenamenaa


"My grandfather always told me not to rush into things;
said that's how most successful men ended up with
untied ends and more regrets to count."

"Am I one of your regrets?"

"No, I don't believe you to be."



1. Valeria Rockefeller -
Sickly demanding, expensive lips, teasing eyes.

"I see your faux maturity and apparent 'coolness' has yet to fade out."

2. Grayson Hawthorne -
Steel eyes, quick wit, sharp tongue.

"If the instance where we must work together comes, I will trade my heavens to make it hell for you."

3. Jameson Hawthorne -
Playful touches, friendly gazes, innocent ambition.

"Something keeps telling me that you're essential to all this, but I can't figure out what.."

4. Nash Hawthorne -
Texas vibes, careless persona, father figure.

"Can't you kids behave for just one second while I'm gone or do I have to watch you at all times?"

5. Alexander Hawthorne -
Sweetest ever, naïve yet mature, creative.

"I find it offensive how little you trust me."

6. Charles DuPont -
Painfully sarcastic, anger-issues, snarky remarks.

"I didn't know Tobias Hawthorne was so old he used fucking feathers to write."

7. Lawrence Astor -
Kind eyes, respectful, adorably shy.

"I can't help but want to take care of you; I feel as if it's why I was placed upon Earth, in the first place."

8. Abigail Livingston -
Intentionally flirty, red lips, tall figure.

"Perhaps the clues were meant to drive you to places you had never been to before - like my bedroom, for example."

mena speaks !!

Hello, everyone! I really hope you enjoy my book and find it easy to read. I'm young and not that experienced, so if there's any mistakes in my writing, please correct me! In a polite way, of course.

I won't bore you any longer so - read on!

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