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ACT I : SCENE I - "prologue"

- SNIFFLES filled the quiet room, remnants of boisterous voices and offensive words lingering behind as the door shut closed with a loud "boom."

Valeria remained with her gaze to the wooden ground, her hands balled into fists at her sides. With swollen lips and a heavy chest, she struggled a sigh past her throat as her shoulders shook with fervor. Harsh tears poured from the sky and onto the windows of the bedroom, mocking Valeria for her stubbornness and naïvety.

Alisa's past advice echoed in her mind: "Never lose your heart to a Hawthorne."

How foolish she had been to believe it would be different-to assume that he would change; that he would forget about his past, about her.

Her shaky hands met her face, trying to shield herself from the outside world in attempts of hiding her embarrassment. Perhaps if she could see no one, no one could see her.

The mirror beside her bed stood proudly, criticizing her for each move, sound, look, thought-it seemed as though the world was against her, taunting her with ease as she wished to sink into the manor's wooden flooring and never return. Her eyes seemed to wander to it, her mind flashing with shock at the illustration she saw.

Valeria Rockefeller stood with a hunched back, tear-stained cheeks, and blood-shot eyes. Her previously spotless dress had been slightly risen to her lower thighs, the dark, wine-red fabric wrinkled against her skin as she hurriedly lowered it to its proper position. She wiped the tears from her eyes (in turn, removing some of her complexion makeup) and straightened her posture, determined to step out of the room with pride and pretend as though nothing had happened.

With a quick fix of her hair and a lady-like placement of her gloves, she waited for the door to be opened for her from outside and elegantly stepped out.

Lights shone onto her like a Disney movie, drawing everyone's attention towards her, but she was only thinking of one thing. Only he was on her mind; only he kept her busy and distracted.

Only he seemed interested in someone else.

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