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The attendee came into the chamber of Maharani. " Maharani your coronation ceremony's time has arrived " the attendee said to his Maharani .
He is overwhelmed because of happiness as their Maharani will finally going to be crowned as their queen, their leader eventhough it doesn't matter is she is crowned or not she will anyways be their queen ." You may go I'll arrive on my own ". The would be queen said . She knew that the people need her as the queen snd she is ready to rule, she will try her best to be a good ruler. She was nervous, somewhere in her mind she was questioning herself questioning whether she is ready or not.she clear these thoughts out of her mind and moved towards her coronation Hall. When she saw all the people , all her kingdom's people gathered cheering for her she knew that the happiness and wellbeing of these people is all on her.

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