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It's night now I am in my chamber removing the accessories I had worn for the crowning ceremony I still can't believe that
I have been made the the queen of kuru and
Tomorrow is my first sabha as the queen, I have had many sabhas before as the princess but from now the I will have sabhas as the queen .
My baba(bhavyanshi's father) always wanted to see me as the queen but at last he couldn't. When we had a war with the enemy kingdom he eventhough won the war but he couldn't win the war of life as he was severely injured
I was only 12 then .I still remember when he called me last time as his gudiya
That was the last time I cried .

From then I was ruling the kingdom with the help of my guardian, Achraj chacha
He was selected by my baba to take care of me as no one was there to take care of me .


A word foreign to me its laughable how
Everytime I saw a mother with a child
I felt jealous , so jealous that why couldn't it be me in place of her but now I have accepted that she never cared for me or else why would she leave me for a man twice her age , why would she leave me , her blood, her own daughter.

I was thinking all this when I heard a noise
It was a weird noise like the noise of someone's footstep.

I unshielded my sword as I started moving towards the place from where the noise came

I walked and then walked but I saw nothing
And I went alert ,I knew that someone had came just now
But they had runaway.

I wondered that who can have so much courage to come into my chamber.

As I walked back to my bed I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep still I closed my eyes with my sword under the pillow
As I tried to sleep


I had sneeked into her chamber as I couldn't resist the temptation of seeing her beautiful self I had wrote a letter for her it was probably creepy for her but I just wanted to express my love for her

Though i almost got caught but I smirked as I thought how innocent she looked lost in thoughts

If she would have been asleep I may have gotten to touch her no I am not a pervert I thought as I was going back home riding on my horse, agyajeet .

She will be mine

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