Eighty Five

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Johnny and Meg had been back from the Palm Springs festival for two days and their relationship was going from strength to strength. Meg had found her confidence had grown more and more and she actually didn't care what anyone thought as long as Johnny and the children were happy.

They were sat in the living room of Johnny's home with Stephen and Gina discussing plans for later in the year, when Meg asked her boyfriend "So what's the next event for the film? G, we need to up the content on social media for the next few months?" Gina nodded before Johnny said "I need to check the schedule.. Nathan put it in my office.." he began to stand before Meg jumped up. "Don't worry.. I'll go get it." She said with a smile, "If you can find it." Gina smirked before Johnny said "Pretty sure it's in the top drawer on top of my notes." Meg nodded and walked out the room and down the hall into Johnny's office.

She rummaged around on the desk and couldn't see anything marked events schedule, so as instructed by Johnny she pulled open the top drawer, seeing the large document that was stapled together she lifted it out and was shocked to see a cream luxury envelope with her name on it under it. Her eyebrows furrowed. Why would that be there? Her curiosity got the better of her and she dropped the documents on the desk before grabbing the envelope and opening it. She read through its contents with wide eyes before stuffing it back in the drawer and grabbing the actual schedule and rushing back to the living room.

Dropping the schedule down onto the coffee table she stood with her hands on her hips, "Johnny, can I have a word?" The man nodded before he stood up and followed her into the kitchen. "Doll, are you ok?!" He asked confused leaning on the island. "Why is there a wedding invitation addressed to me hidden in your desk?" She said rather calmly. "Fuck..." Johnny whispered. "Why would you hide it from me?!" She asked confused. "I umm..." he began, "of all people to lie and hide it from me, I never thought it would be you!" Meg added before Johnny approached and held her shoulders. "There was so much going on.. I don't know why the fucker sent it here but I think he's playing some sick game and with how you were feeling with everything, I didn't want it to add to your worries. Besides you can't tell me you would have even considered going??!" Johnny said. "That's besides the point! You hid it from me? When were you planning on telling me?!" "Darling I just wanted to protect you from getting hurt anymore..." "hurt?" She asked. "Yes hurt." Johnny said quietly. She slowly walked up to him. "It doesn't hurt me that he's getting married, Jesus I'm glad I got out when I did because imagining spending my life with somebody who hated the person I became? That's not a life I want. I finished it with him, remember?" Johnny shrugged before Meg turned. "What's hurt me is that you lied to me, you hid it from me? What else are you hiding to try and protect me?!" She said raising her voice before regretting it. "Nothing I swear.." Johnny added. He slowly approached his girl "Meg, I never ever meant to hurt you. I just wanted to protect you. I put it in the drawer with the greatest intentions of speaking to you about it but it must have slipped my mind." The woman nodded before turning on her heel and entering the living room. "Guys I'm really sorry I've got a bit of a headache coming on, maybe even a migraine. I'm going to head up ok?" She wished Stephen and Gina a good night before rushing up the stairs. Johnny stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching as she went.

"You did what??" Gina said shocked to Johnny who was sat on the opposite couch. "You heard." He grumbled as he rolled another cigarette. "Now she hates me." "She doesn't hate you." Gina replied before she stood and walked towards him sitting down next to him. "If she hated you she would have been shouting and screaming and would have stormed out. She didn't did she? She gave you a chance to explain and now she's probably just digesting the information." Johnny shrugged before lighting up. "Why is she so mad through?" He asked. Gina took a deep breath. "Johnny, Alex controlled her, and by deciding for her to hide that invite you were controlling her without even realising. Since she dumped that fucker she's done so well to get her independence back and now this probably makes her feel all her hard work was for nothing." Johnny nodded "I fucked up didn't I?" "You did, but it came from a nice place. I can see why you wanted to protect her." Gina smiled hugging her friend.

A while later, Johnny stood, and excused himself for the rest of the evening. He headed into the kitchen, got a bottle of water out the refrigerator, the cooling eye mask that had been placed in there a few months back after learning Meg suffered with Migraines and he then began rummaging in the medicine cabinet. Knowing there was no opioids in the house he settled for what he could find and carried it all upstairs before gently knocking on his own bedroom door. "Come in." He heard Meg practically whisper. She had the drapes shut and no lights on but he could see her tiny frame under his bed sheets. "I thought you might need some relief." He said quietly walking over to the bed and sitting down beside her, he held out the items before she sat up and took them. "Thank you." She said knocking back two tablets. "If they aren't strong enough I can send the guys to the pharmacy it's just I don't have anything decent here, well for obvious reasons." She shook her head gently before holding the cold eye mask to her forehead. "Can I get you anything?" He asked stroking hair out her face. "Thank you Johnny, Just you... can you hold me for a while?" Johnny's heart practically burst he was so relieved she wasn't that angry with him before he held out his arms and got comfortable on the bed encouraging her to lie on him whilst he stroked her head and held the eye mask to her for heard. "Rest baby girl.. I'll take care of everything." He said in a whisper.

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