Chapter One

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                          - EVA -

" What the damn hell do you think that you are doing huh?" He yelled in pure anger now as I looked at him both with shock and a bit of fear.

"Nothing, what the hell could I be doing and why the hell are you after me? Wasnt I clear enough that..."

"That what? You dont want my damn brother? Oh, I know you dont want my Brother, but I am not him." His expression seemed to soften and I felt this tension between us again placing my hand on his beating heart.

" Then, what is it that you want?" I asked as his expression softened with a whirlwind in his eyes."

" You, I want you.. He gritted through his teeth pulling me against the wall. " I, want you from the moment I met you."

" You said that you dont date... That this isnt for you. "

" Ive said many things in my life... And Yes I, dont date but from the damn moment I tasted you, had you, you took some damn power over me. And I would go down on my knees for you. "

" Would you, huh? A man like you would go on his knees for a girl like me? " I scoffed..." What can you offer me that your brother couldnt? "

" What? " He asked standing so and I mean so dangerously close to me. He was handsome like hell...Four years older than me and his cheating Brother... He was a man.. A man I craved and needed. " I would pleasure you on my damn knees... Give you shivers.. Make sure you scream my name all night long. But I would and I mean I would always treat you with respect you deserve. I would give you the damn World. I am not my Brother but far from that. For you, and I, mean only you im ready to burn the whole World down. "

" Really? "

" Really... And Ill show you how damn honest I am. " He said getting down on his knees amd ripping my panties of me. And I knew one thing, this night will change everything. Every damn thing.


Hot tears streamed down my face as I left his house... I felt like a loser. The biggest loser anyone has ever seen. I gave him my heart, my life. I wanted to be with him forever.... I wanted a life with him and he acted this way. I thought that he loves me, that we are right for eachother. And now, at the age of Twenty Three  I realised that I never knew what love is. I never in any way had love. I am just a virgin loser who waited for a moment to sleep with her boyfriend. And he had enough and well took matters into his own hands. I shouldmt have waited, I was always a good girl or more so saint that wanted true love, sparks and fire.... And now I really dont know what I want. I KNOW WHAT I WANT. i want to get wasted and forget that bastard.

My phone kept on ringing and I knew it was my Best friend Sam. But I wasnt in the mood to listen to what I should do and what I shouldnt do. Sam was a very good friend.. She was like a Sister to me. Shes the fun one who goes out and has a new man every night. And I am the more good type of girl who dosent party, and wanted a prince charming but they dont exist. Each man only wants one thing. There isnt a man out there who would love you, give you flames and ecstasy. But respect and happiness too. And i knew what mistake I am doing but Im tried of being good. I put my morals side and I made my way into the club.

- One drink please.... A strong one. I said as the bartender smirked handing me a drink.

- Bad Day? The tears on your cheek dont stop flowing. He said as I realised that I am crying all this time.

- More like a break up... Or getting cheated on. I smirked as he handed me another drink. I drank it up feeling so many things at one. I felt hatred towards James and pure and utter disgust. I no longer know if what I felt for him was any type of love. I have no idea.......what it was.

- I think you should Calm down with those drinks hes giving you the strongest one. A voice behind me said as chills ran down my spine. Ive never heard such a voice before and on top of that his perfumes... They were intoxicating and maybe my time to have some fun.

- Thats what I wamted havent you ever wanted to let loose? I smirked as he sat down beside me in his elegant suit. His look was penetrating and so handsome... Ive never saw a man this handsome and manly. He had to be older than me, aroumd Four or so years. But who cares about age difference these days. A man wants only one thing.

- Maybe I did, but you dont look like a person who drinks much. He replied taking the drink from me. I was drunk perhaps drunk on him. I smirked.

- Maybe I dont drink...... But to night I do. And what is someone so elegant like you doing here?

- Letting loose after work. I guess like you. He said so seriously. - So what exactly are you trying to do? Get drunk and...

- And get a good fuck..... Thats what Im here for. I said not wanting to lie.

- You are very straight forward but a girl like you surely dosent know what fucking means.

- And why is that? I asked as as he leaned forward feeling his hot breath on my ear..... He was making me feel things.... Things Ive never felt before.

- You are innocent sweetbeart. And just as beautiful and damn attractive you are, I dont think Id ever want to fuck you.

- Why? Because Im younger? Twenty Three isnt that Young now.

- Four Year difference and I dont fuck girls but women.... And you...

- The only good trait if yours is your face and how handsome you are. But other than that you are a jerk. And I am going to go away from you right now, and find a Guy who will fuck me without asking questions. I said getting up as he clenched his jaw and gripped my Glass. He was handsome and in some way powerful. I knew u shouldnt even be near this devil of a man but, i started the game and I will finish it. Tongiht im not the virgin Eva. And I dont want to be her. I made my way away from him, crashing into a man. A man a bit younger than him with a cute face and we both know what hes been thinking about. My anger if being Hurt took over..... And i wanted revenge.

- Hey girl you seem Lost... Want a ride home?

- Sure why not..maybe to yours or..

- Like hell you are going with him. I heard that same voice behind me as he gripped my hand in his pulling me out.

-What the hell are you doing and who the hell are you to tell me what to do! I yelled as he opened the door for me of his fancy car.

- Get in, if you were smart enough to get in a car with a guygou dont know then youll have no problem getting in with me too. You want to fuck? Then well fuck get in and dont test me.

I really had no idea what was going through me and what I was doing. Maybe it was the alcohol or perhaps revemge but I wasnt scared of him. I needed a drink and to fuck thats it. And i got into his car as he drove for some time to a hotel.

The door slammed closed as he grabbed my throat kissing me intensely. It was dark.. The drink he got us was already playing with my head. I never had anyone kiss me this roughly and intensely but there was something about him and I really did not want to stop.

- Are you scared of taking me to yours? I whisepred in between his kisses as he pushed me onto the Bed.

- I, dont take one night stands to mine. Tomorrow morning we wont meet again. He whisepred as he ripped my jeans off.... I never felt more vulnerable. - So, beautiful..... He whispered in his raspy voice kissing my thighs as he ripped my panties up. Whatevet was happening was so overwhelming and so.... Amazing that I didnt know how to act....this wasnt just some one night thing.. There were emtions and his words....

- Wait... I... I need to tell you....

- No words baby girl.... This is what you wanted and this is what I wanted are so ready... So Beautiful.....

He gave me overwhelming pleasure i never got and I knew how I should regret this giving virginity to a man Ill never see again... But the thing was that I dont regret it. Not one bit... He is rough but could be delicate. He is every thing I never had. He had power over me I, never thought that he would....

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