Chapter Ten

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                           - EVA -

- I thought that maybe..... This could work. But it dosent work.... It cant work! We should stay away from each Other like before. You never noticed me, I never noticed you. We should keep this, this way. I said feeling like my heart was breaking. I Just recovered from his brother and now it hit me how different we are. I clutched onto the bottles and cloths in my hands wanting to walk out, waiting for him to realise how bad I am for him...

- You think id be embarrased of being with you?

- Why wouldnt you? I asked not looking at him. The bottles and cloths were taking from my hands and thrown onto the sofa he had in his office.

- Theres nothing I have to be embarrased of. When I want some thing and I am sure of it, theres nothing that can change my mind about it. Nothing job is embarrasing. Where the hell do you think I started off? I wasnt born in suits. I didnt break all my damn rules and promises to, now avoid you and stay away.

- I dated your brother dosent it bother you?

- No, it dosent bother me and even id you were with him now, id do any thing to have you....

- Youd go against your brother to have me? I smirked as he cupped my face leaning so close to me i felt almost electrical..i know one thing. No one will ever make me feel this way ever again.

- Id go against the whole World to have you.... Because i know you are worth it. You make me go crazy in anger sometimes but you also wont get out of my damn head. I never had that before and Im not giving it up. Besides, can you really call it a relarionship if he never had you and cheated on you? He whisepred into my ear as I nodded my head no. - I was your first... And I will be your last too. And if you dont stop running away in the mornings Ill tie you to the Bed at nights.

- You wouldnt.....

- Try again baby. Im dead serious its twice now Youve ran away. There wont be a third time.

- I see you are planning on keeping me in your Bed huh?

- I am.... Whenever I can. I leaned in closer to him feeling his lips on mine now as my hands wrapped aroumd his neck pulling him closer. - Theres one more place I want to have you in. He whisepred kissing my neck.

- Youre too scared to have me there huh? I whisepred as I felt him tense up.

- Dont tempt me.... Id never believe you were a damn virgin with this language and temper.

- I wouldnt either... But since there is nothing else you can offer me, i should head back to work. I said wanting to pull away when he gripped my waist and in seconds I was on his desk... My confidemce was gone as he smirked. - Mateo....i was joking.... I Half whispered sitting on his desk as he found the hem of my leggings pulling them down as I felt cold desk beneath me.

- But I wasnt joking..... Ill take you on my desk and then..... He said as iFelt his hand in panties as I gasped. What the hell was I doing.... - Ill sit at my desk proudly every Day knowing I had my sweet girl on my desk like Ive imagined it for a while now... But this is better than I imagined.... He smirked as my head flew back and I gripped the edge of the desk.

- Mateo..... Oh god....

- You are so damn innocent and sweet like candy... And all damn mine. No one will ever get this pleasure from me... No woman ever got anything like this from me. Only you. And itll always be only you. What do you want Eva?

- Kiss me.... I whispered as his lips crashed onto mine. He was like a drug. I was doing things anyone can only imagine.

- Wait my innocent bestie done what? Sam yelled as we went out for a drink.

- You know.... Dont laugh I dont know what the hell I am doing but this isnt funny... He is addictive.

- I feel this way about William too. But tell me are yous two a couple or just casual?

- Right now, I dont know... Its been a few weeks since alll of this happened. I dont see him as often as I wish too because hes busy and on top of that hes gone to italy for a couple of days. He should be back tomorrow or some thing. I havent asked... But he seems like he is serious about me.

- Sometimes you dont need a label to know who you are.

- Im not saying I need it.. I feel happy and Im... Im falling for him. Its like what I felt for James wasnt anything to what I feel for Mateo. But theres a lot He needs to know. I didnt tell him I work two jobs, or that I never went to college or even that my Parents are dead, my auntie thinks im dating James. All of this is messed up.

- You need to tell him or else James will.

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