Chapter 2: Legacy Unveil

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"Sir, are you sure your hand is okay?" Emily glanced at the bandage wrapped around Miguel's hand. He had arrived at work with his left hand bandaged, explaining it was from lifting weights at the gym. "You know, if it's just a pinched nerve, I can massage it for you. I'm good at massages."

Miguel smiled. "No need, Emily. I had it checked at the hospital earlier. They said it'll be fine. Just a hot compress will do. The bandage is just a reminder so I don't forget that it's injured."

Emily didn't reply, just smiled back.

Miguel and Emily meticulously reviewed the old case file, which stirred painful memories with each unsettling image and witness statement. He found himself transported back to the beginning of his career.

Carefully scrutinizing the file, he held onto the old photographs depicting scenes of hopelessness and desperation. The crimes they were now handling seemed eerily reminiscent of a past case that had a profound effect on him.

"It's like déjà vu," Miguel sighed, his voice tinged with sorrow and frustration. "It seems like the puppeteer's legacy lives on, despite our efforts to end this case before."

Emily looked up from the file, her expression mirroring Miguel's seriousness. "Did the puppeteer strike before?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Miguel gave a confident nod. "Yes, it appears so. From what I can tell, it looks like we're in for a tough and potentially dangerous journey."

Amid their conversation, chaos suddenly erupted outside the captain's office, bringing them back to reality.


Everyone hurried to tidy up their workspaces, anticipating the arrival of Captain Daniels that morning. They efficiently arranged their workstations, ensuring their uniforms were neat and their desks were free of any clutter. Miguel observed his colleagues bustling around, but his attention shifted to Emily, who sat quietly at her desk with a sense of anticipation. Their eyes met, and he smiled faintly, waving. She nodded back.

A figure emerged from the shadows, exuding confidence and authority, their intense gaze demanding respect. Captain Daniels, an experienced police captain, approached the two men with a serious expression. He scrutinized the two detectives before focusing his attention on Miguel.

"Sanchez, Rodriguez." Captain Daniels gestured for Sanchez and Rodriguez to come into his office.

Upon entering the captain's office, the combination of scrutiny and mistrust in his gaze was palpable. The air became stagnant and oppressive as the door closed behind them.

Captain Daniels seemed uneasy as he sat beside his desk, tapping his fingers nervously.

"We've got an issue," he said, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. "A series of horrifying murders, each more savage than the previous. The management is intrigued by our expertise in this area—"

"Don't worry, we've got it under control," Miguel reassured, his voice brimming with confidence. "Emily and I are fully committed to capturing this threat."

Emily glanced at Miguel. She secretly smiled at the confidence he instilled in her. Appreciating their determination, Captain Daniels nodded quietly, his gaze fixed on them, lost in thought.

"You're in charge of this investigation," he stated, emphasizing the importance of the task. "There has been a lot of focus on this case. City Hall's actions are under constant scrutiny, with the media showing great interest in the situation. We should see some results."

Miguel and Emily exchanged a meaningful glance. They felt the immense pressure of the significant responsibility they now held, which weighed heavily on them.

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