Chapter 18: Crossing the Line

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Emily woke up suddenly when Miguel's phone kept ringing. She realized that he wasn't with her, which raised her brow. The phone buzzed continuously, creating urgency in the room. Emily, still half asleep, grabbed Miguel's phone, but the ringing stopped, leaving a frightening silence.

Emily's interest and anxiety increased when Detective Alvarez's name flashed on the screen. As the clock approached two in the morning, unease grew in her gut. Why would a detective contact Miguel at this hour?

On the bed's edge, Emily grasped Miguel's phone, her mind full of questions. Colleagues from all divisions admired Detective Alvarez. The late-night call's purpose made Emily jealous.

"Why? Detective Alvarez called Miguel." Emily grumbled lowly, her eyebrows furrowing in fury and jealousy. There was a constant feeling of dread that followed her around.

"You are awake."

Miguel's voice from the doorway surprised Emily. While the towel around his waist gave her a hint of his body, she couldn't help but admire how well-groomed he looked. The thought of not having any clothes on made her face red with shame.

Miguel said, "I used the restroom downstairs," staring at her. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

Emily stuttered, "No, it's okay," feeling a little uneasy under Miguel's focused gaze.

Miguel glanced at Emily's phone as he approached. "Did someone call me?"

Emily avoided his gaze. "Ah, yes," she said, trying to sound casual. "I was going to answer, but all of a sudden, the phone stopped ringing."

Miguel nodded and furrowed his brow. "I'm sorry that the call woke you up."

"It's okay," Emily said, trying to hide how annoyed she had been earlier. "It was Detective Alvarez."

Miguel had a moment of confusion. "Is that true? Should I be worried?"

"It was about twenty minutes ago," Emily said, still avoiding his eyes. The room had an electric feel, with stress and unspoken emotions easily recognizable.

Miguel's sudden laugh eased the tension. Emily held the cover close to her breast while he sat on the bed. He teasingly pulled at the cover, revealing Emily's naked body.

Emily gasped in shock, and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Naturally, her arms went around Miguel's neck, and the sudden closeness made her feel electric.

As they got closer, their lips were almost touching, but Miguel's phone rudely cut them off again. They froze, their eyes locked in anticipation and dread.

When Miguel reached out to touch his phone, which was sitting on the nightstand next to him, Emily's phone suddenly rang. Both gadgets beeped at the same time, and their screens lit up with a flood of new calls.

They connected without words, with a deep look. Answering the calls at the same time, their sounds blended perfectly.

Miguel and Emily looked at each other like they understood as they listened to the other end. They would handle it as a team, no matter what.

It was very quiet after the call ended. Miguel and Emily looked resolute yet alarmed.

"We need to find out what's going on," Miguel remarked quietly.

It made Emily's heart race as she gave a quiet nod. "Let's do it," she said with a strongly determined voice.

Because of the physical fight that had happened, the hospital room was full of noise and stress. Guards, cops, and medics crowded the room, their voices mingling in a cacophony of frantic orders and questions.

Miguel and Emily stood outside the door as the medical team treated Mark's injuries and quickly moved Detective Alvarez to another room.

Emily held Miguel's arm, looking surprised and apprehensive. Never had she seen such frightening violence and danger so near home.

"What happened inside?" Emily's voice trembled as she spoke, eyes fixed on the hospital entrance.

Miguel looked at her gravely. "Mark and Detective Alvarez were victims of an assault." There's no witness but them. They are unconscious, so they cannot talk."

Emily was shivering at Miguel's words. She remembered it. Could this be why Detective Alvarez contacted Miguel?

A concerned nurse approached them while they were thinking and worrying.

"Are you connected to the patients?" the nurse inquired in a composed yet authoritative tone.

Miguel gave Emily a soft nod and tightened his grip on her hand. "Yes, we are..... We are friends," he said, his words coming out all at once.

A caring smile came from the nurse. She pointed toward the busy hallway and said, "Excuse me, but we need to clear this area. Our team is currently assessing the situation and kindly requests some space to do our work."

Miguel and Emily nodded, politely reserving a room for the medical staff. Emily felt uneasy as they watched the activities around them.

"Who could do this?" Despite her dread, Emily spoke with resolve. Looking at Miguel, she asked, "Is this the puppeteer?"

Miguel's gaze gravitated towards her. "We don't know," he said, with a quiet resolve in his voice. "However, our goal is to find the truth."

"Are you okay with me checking on Mark, Miguel?" Emily asked Miguel for permission before going ahead. It would be smart for her not to make Miguel feel jealous.

"Sure. I am going to investigate Detective Alvarez." Miguel said.

Emily was upset when Miguel volunteered to look after their colleagues while she visited her old friend Mark. After turning away from her, Miguel quickly left. When she thought about it, she felt jealous.

He was asleep when Emily entered Mark's room. Mark's wound had become worse because of what had happened recently, according to the nurse who visited him. That day, Mark was going to have surgery.

As the nurse talked, Emily looked at Mark and saw a red mark on his neck. She then glanced briefly at the nurse.

"Nurse, what's the mark on his neck?" Emily asked.

When we last saw him, the dextrose hose was wrapped around his neck and tied up on the edge of the bed. The nurse said, "The door opening just in time was very helpful because we almost missed them."

"The bad guy wants to kill Mark." Emily inquired, her worried expression intensifying.

"Yes," the nurse said simply.

Emily thought. Could it be that the criminal came back because he escaped death? But what could be the reason? What's the puppeteer's reason for wanting to kill Mark?

"The cop with him, nurse? What happened to her?"

"Ah, Detective Alvarez!" the nurse yelled, her face red with pain. "She's in a very serious condition. When the scalpel struck her flank, her kidney suffered damage. She is now having surgery."

Hearing the news made Emily feel sad all over. Detective Alvarez, a top cop, was fighting for survival. Emily realized how dangerous their game was and felt the weight of it.

Miguel entered, sensing Emily's anxiety and determination. As he looked at Emily, his eyes were full of unanswered questions.

Emily whispered, "Detective Alvarez is currently in surgery." Her voice was full of fear. "We discovered a dextrose hose attached around his neck, but Mark's health remains stable."

Miguel nods. "Where's the puppeteer? Did he show up?" Emily's scarcely heard voice conveyed irritation and dread.

"It seems to be the case," Miguel said.

Miguel stiffened his jaw and made fists at his sides. "We must investigate. This cannot go on any longer."

Captain Daniel entered the room, his countenance somber as he evaluated the situation. He glanced between Emily and Miguel, then at Mark's nurse.

"What happened here?" Captain Daniel's authoritative voice instantly calmed the room.

Emily looked at Miguel thoughtfully before speaking. "Unexpectedly, someone attacked Mark." Detective Alvarez is undergoing surgery after a scalpel lodged deeply in her flank.

As Captain Daniel pondered the information, his forehead wrinkle deepened. "Who was the culprit?"

Miguel said, "We have no clue," with stress. "But it's clear that he reasoned about being here."

"We need to find out who is after us and why," Emily said with determination.

Captain Daniel, focused, nodded. "Yes, I agree. We will promptly mobilize the department, collect all pertinent data, and apprehend this individual before they pose a threat once more.

Emily's determination grew stronger within the room's busy energy. She refused to act while her friends and coworkers were under attack. The puppeteer had crossed a boundary, and everyone was on the lookout.

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