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                      ! MY LIFESAVER !
        Copyright  ©2024  by ChaoSoph

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed,or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Inshort, plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Characters used in the story have no
relation to living person except BTS.
Any resemblances to persons, living dead, actual events, places, or organisations are eventually coincidental.

The book has mature content but it is divided into censored and uncensored chapters. Ignore the strong words used in the books. ( In this book is also a lot of violence, domestic violence and abuse. If you feel uncomfortable with these this book is not for you but still for the abusive parts I will put a warning in the start )


And the female main character in this story is sometimes a little more sensitive than any other normal character. She sometimes is going to behave too helpless and all that so please leave if this makes you uncomfortable or offends you in any way but don't show hatred towards her behaviour or her character. But don't worry she'll be savage some times.

I won't tolerate it because I have already warned you so please respect and remember it and any hate comment regarding this will be deleted so don't waste your time for being hateful towards a fictional character so just leave.

Because I accept and respect opinions and suggestions but not criticism and hatred so if I find any comment which offends me and my story then I am straight going to delete it and mute the account because I don't like being hated for something that isn't real and it's only in my imagination. Hope you understand and I am definitely not being rude, it's just you can say friendly suggestion so please don't be hateful towards anything in this book



"You are the love that came without
  warning; you had my heart before I could say no."

"Sometimes, someone comes into your life, so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise, and changes your life forever "

This quotes aren't mine I found them at a JJK book that I read and because I thought it suits the story I decided to put them . ( Actually they did not suited that much but I still thought they had a kind of conection so why not? hehe )

If you want to read the book it's called "Contract Marriage" by NamikoS.

Thank you for deciding to read my book!

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