Lipstick Stains

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Chapter 14

Ava's POV

The weeks passed in no time as it was almost time for races to resume once again. Everyone more than ready to get back onto the track. I felt like I had a newfound sense of purpose in a way, feeling ready then ever to step onto the grid and perform well.

Max and I had used every chance that we could to better ourselves for the first race back. It felt good to have someone that I felt I could trust by my side, supporting me the whole time. I never had expected to become good friends with my teammate and competitor, but here we were getting along better than anyone could have foreseen.

During these weeks, I hadn't heard anything from Charles, which honestly made me feel like shit. But it wasn't for a lack of trying on my part. I had texted him what felt like a couple hundred times to sense our talk on the side of the road. But each time, I received no reply. Marisa had convinced herself that she was right about the friendship being a complete disaster, and in a way, she was differently right. The media had most definitely torn the two of us apart both literally and figuratively.

With all the frustration around the whole situation with both Max and Marisa made me want to scream, I tried channeling it into my work. Using this as the fuel that Max said would lead to more success down the road. Or at least that was what I was hoping for.

In honor of the season starting up again, the drivers had decided to throw a celebratory dinner party at one of the fancy restaurants in Monaco. Even though I had no interest in attending, Max insisted that it would be a good chance to put this whole media mess behind me. As the evening of the party approached, anticipation buzzed through the allies of the sport. The drivers were eager to reconnect after the summer break, and the glitzy streets of Monaco provided the perfect backdrop for a glamorous gathering.

The chosen restaurant exuded the air of sophistication, its terrace overlooking the marina with yachts twinking under the moonlight. The laughter and chatter of Formula 1's elite filled the air as the drivers gathered for the celebration.

I had picked out an elegant yet understated dress that wasn't too vibrant to wear to the dinner. Marisa somehow talked me into wearing high heels despite my efforts against it. But, I honestly was excited at the chance to catch up with some of the other drivers. As I entered the venue alone, the atmosphere boomed with excitement and a delightful aroma of dishes wafted through the air making my stomach gurgle.

Beating me there, Max spotted me entering and waved me over, surprising a good amount of people when he pulled me into a hug.

"Look who finally made it," Max teased, playfully nudging my arm.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a friendly huff of air. "I didn't think I was that late," I replied, defending myself slightly.

Max laughed as he shook his head, raising his hands up in the air to signal a cease fire. "You're not, don't worry. Just messing with you," He laughed, as I joined in.

We both moved toward a larger table where some other drivers were sitting. To my surprise, I was greeted with extreme warmth, everyone welcoming me with open arms to their conversations. As we all sat around the large table, we chatted about each other's breaks filling each other in on some fun details. It felt nice to socialize alongside the other drivers for a change, the atmosphere providing the perfect environment for everyone to interact peacefully for a change.

While we were engrossed in conversation, I couldn't help but wonder where Charles was. My eyes kept scanning the restaurant for any sight of him, but no matter how many times I did this he was nowhere in sight. My heart sank, realizing that he most likely wasn't going to show up at all.

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