Second Chances

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Chapter 11

Ava's POV

I couldn't bring myself to do anything aside from lying in bed. My blankets were practically smothering me, as I curled myself into a tight knot unable to move a muscle. My eyes stung from my tears, my tear ducts now dry after purging themselves completely. In the darkness of my room, I swore I could still see his face in front of me. Looking over at me with the warmth that I craved deep into my soul.

My mind replayed the moment we'd shared on the beach, how good it felt to hear that he felt the same way for me. I craved feeling with every fiber of my being. As I thought about him, the ache in my chest deepened. I missed the comfort of his embrace, the reassurance that came so easily. But now, alone in my room, I felt empty. Like I couldn't breathe.

My phone sat on my bedside table, notifications piling up - calls and messages I couldn't bring myself to answer. Marisa was worried sick as she would constantly come into my room and lay with me. She tried to start any type of conversation to try and pick me back up again, but I just couldn't bring myself to speak.

I heard the door creek open, feeling her presence at the door as she let out a heavy sigh. "Ava, honey it's time to get up now," she chimed, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside me.

I let out a groan as I turned to the other side, just wanting to be left alone. Marisa let out another sigh as she rested her hand on my back, attempting to soothe me.

"Ava, sweetheart, I understand your hurting," Marisa began gently, her hand maintaining a comforting presence on my back. "But staying in bed won't make it hurt any less. You need to face it, confront these emotions, even if it feels unbearable right now. But life has to go on,"

Her words were a gentle nudge, urging me to confront the pain rather than succumb to it. The beach, where our connection had blossomed, now felt like a distant memory, and the warmth of that moment seemed to slip through my fingertips.

With a gentle but persistent touch, Marisa coaxed me into a sitting position. The weight of the blankets lifted, and the room felt less stifling. I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the dim light, and for a moment, his face lingered in the shadows.

Looking over at my best friend, she sat there radiating a comforting assurance. Her expressive eyes held a mix of compassion and encouragement, silently conveying that I wasn't alone in this struggle. In the stillness, our eyes met, and it was as if a silent conversation unfolded. Marisa's presence alone became a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness.

As she continued to sit beside me, her calm demeanor acted as a steady anchor. There was no need for elaborate words; her supportive presence spoke volumes. In that moment of shared vulnerability, Marisa's silent companionship became the foundation on which I could rebuild myself.

I sent her a smile, letting her know that I was okay to which she quickly reciprocated. She stood to her feet, extending her hand for me to take as she looked at me with a bright expression. "Let's get out of this smelly place," she giggled, poking fun at me just enough to make me laugh.

Reluctantly, I allowed her to lead me out of the room, the familiar surroundings feeling both comforting and alien. The hallway stretched before us, a path toward a world I momentarily shut out. Marisa's unwavering support has shown me that I can get through this. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy, but this was a good start.


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