Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter 16

Ava's POV

After what felt like a lifetime, it was finally time to race again. At this point, the season's projections on where the teams would fall had started to become more clear with every passing race. Red Bull had done, to nobody's surprise, remarkably well.

My worries about the race putting a rift between Charles and me had all but disappeared from last night. My heart is still pounding at the sheer memory of how wonderful it was. I felt, for the first time in a long time, unstoppable. And I would be lying if I didn't say that I was enjoying this new version of myself.

To make matters even better, Marisa had decided to fly in this morning and surprise me for my big day. She kept saying that today was going to be the day that I was going to win my first Grand Prix. And despite what I might believe, she was not alone in this conclusion.

Everyone and their mother was talking around the paddock about how this could be a historic day for women in the racing world. Which was cool and all, but kinda was putting some more pressure than I would've hoped for in the race today.

The temperature was perfect for racing and the stage was set. All I had to do now was to actually win the damn thing. Or at least hopefully do that.

As the cars were being set into their positions, I passed by Charles who spared me a small smile, giving me a little nod to wish me good luck. Moving up to that first position spot made me aware that all of this was actually real.

I was really about to start in pole position for a Formula 1 race. Holy shit.

The roar of engines echoed through the circuit, each car humming as we waited for the race to begin. Behind the wheel, I felt the adrenaline surge through my veins. My hands gripped the handles a bit tighter as I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

Yet, no matter how hard I tried, there was no slowing my heart rate down at this point. The lights turned on one by one, each time sending shivers down my spine as I felt like I was about to burst with anticipation. And then, like a sudden bolt of lightning, we were off.

The first turns of the race I always felt was the scariest, every maneuver as important as the next to keep your position. And to my luck, I did just that. Pulling away from the pack with every second that passed.

The sun beat down relentlessly, casting harsh shadows across the track and raising the temperature inside the cockpit to sweltering levels. But I remained focused, my eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead as I pushed the car to the limit.

As the laps flew by, I found myself embroiled in a fierce battle with others, each one vying for supremacy on the track. Carlos gave me a run for my money as he almost turned into me. The competition was intense, with no quarter given nor asked as they jockeyed for position through every corner.

At one point, I found myself locked in a duel with Charles. The two of us locked into first and second with neither of us wanting to lose to the other. We went wheel-to-wheel, trading positions with breathtaking precision as we pushed ourselves and our cars to the absolute limit.

But I refused to be intimidated. I looked to my right, seeing Charle's Ferrari next to me and I knew what I had to do. Taking the corner a little wider than normal, I pushed Charles off the track, sending him behind me.

Even though I knew it was not possible, I swore that I could hear Charles's angry screams from behind as he tried to gather himself to come back at me. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the idea of annoying him, honestly, I found it cute.

Rivals - Charles Leclercحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن