"𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝, 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚖𝚊."

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Lucy Chen had always dreamed of being a mother, and on her twenty-eighth birthday that dream came to fruition in the form of a six pound, eight ounce baby girl.

She had a tough pregnancy, Lucy did. She had planned to work all through her pregnancy, even if it meant desk duty more days than not, but baby Bradford had other plans. Lucy struggled to gain weight, her constant nausea making it impossible to eat anything. If it wasn't for ginger ale and saltine crackers, she probably would've been the majority of the nine months hospitalized. If she wasn't puking, she was thinking about puking.

So after a long conversation with Tim, her baby daddy as she called him these days, Lucy decided to step away from the department indefinitely. It's not what she wanted, not at all, but she quickly realized that now she had someone to think about other than herself. Her wants no longer mattered. She had to do what was best for the baby, and right now that meant being at home. All the time.

She had a hard labor. After over twenty four hours of laboring, she had nothing left to give. She was tough – the toughest out there, really, but having a baby was one thing she needed help with. She had hoped and prayed for a natural birth; she had heard so many horror stories about cesareans and their recovery, but at the end of the day all that mattered was getting to hold her baby girl in her arms.

And she would do it a million times over without a second thought.

When she and Tim decided they were ready to start trying for a baby, she didn't think it would happen so fast. They started trying in July, and by September they were listening to their baby's heartbeat. They had got some kickback about not getting married, but to them it didn't matter. It was 2024, for fucks sake. A piece of paper didn't make you a good parent that's for sure. They saw proof of that every day in their line of work. Lucy did have a diamond on her left hand now, it was Tim's push present to her, but they were in no hurry to say I Do. They'd get there eventually, but right now they were too busy basking in the joy and exhaustion of having a newborn.

Lucy had just finished showering, which takes way longer than usual when your abdominal muscles and uterus have been sliced open and stitched back together. Her pajamas were way loose and oversized because both her belly and boobs were still swollen and painful. The thought of wearing clothes that weren't at least two sizes too big made her cringe.

Before stepping out out of the bathroom, Lucy paused and stared at herself in the mirror. Her exhaustion weighed heavy on her bones, and it showed on her face, too. She could barely hold her eyes open, the dark circles underneath them sunken in and prominent. Her boobs were huge, even though they had never been small. She was pumping every two hours, just as her daughter was eating every two hours. Everyone told her being a mother would be exhausting, but they also told her that it would be the best thing she's ever done. They were so right.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, she was met with silence. She felt so lucky that their daughter didn't cry much; only when she was hungry or needed a diaper change. She was such a happy baby and in return that made her a happy mom. When the living room came into view, she paused and took in the sight before her.

Tim was sitting on the couch, their tiny daughter sleeping peacefully on his bare chest. His hand was resting on her back, almost as big as the baby. He didn't notice Lucy watching him – he was glued to the Chargers game on the tv.

It felt so right, watching him care for their daughter the way that Tim does. He was a natural at it, being a dad. He had gone above and beyond since the baby came home, staying on top of laundry, grocery shopping, and making sure their apartment was as clean as a whistle so the baby was safe and Lucy could focus on her recovery. Just this morning she woke up to him washing bottles and onesies.

He had made being a mom easy, really. Lucy was beyond grateful that the LAPD enforced paternity leave for dads, because she knew she couldn't do this all by herself. When Lucy told Tim she was pregnant, he vowed to never make her feel like she was doing this alone. Honestly, he was changing more diapers than she was. It meant more than he will ever know that she doesn't have to ask him to do those things – he just does them.

"Hey, baby," Tim voiced softly, careful to not wake the tiny human on his chest. "Have a good shower?"

Tim looked at his fiancée in pure awe of the woman that she was. A week ago, the tiny baby girl sleeping on his chest, was inside of her. Lucy looked more beautiful now than ever, although Tim could see how tired she was. He was doing everything he could to help her recovery, but she did just have major surgery a week ago.

"It was amazing," Lucy made her way over to him, slowly sitting down beside him. "I feel so much better."

Tim released a happy sigh as Lucy dropped her head to his shoulder, her hand sliding over top of his on their babies' back. He couldn't wrap his mind around how tiny she was, and the fact that one day she'd crawl and then walk and talk... it was overwhelming. He had spent the majority of his life protecting and serving others – it came naturally. But this little girl, this baby... he would walk through fire and brimstone for her to make sure she was never scared. That her safety was never jeopardized. He's dedicate his entire life to protecting her, trying to shield her from the cruel world. She was too perfect.

"Isn't it crazy?" Lucy whispered as she leaned over and pressed a tiny kiss to her daughters head. "We made her, Tim. She's the two of us combined."

Tim's heart swelled in his chest. Seeing Lucy as a mother was a dream. He was so happy she had his child. He slid his free arm around Lucy's shoulders, pulling her into him.

"And she's perfect," Tim leaned down, gently kissing Lucy's lips. "Just like her mama."

Lucy couldn't believe her life. She didn't know what she did to get this lucky, but she would dedicate the rest of her life thanking the powers above for it.

This one is short and sweet and so freaking cute. Chenford as parents >>>>

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