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Imperial Palace, Malastare, 7956 C.R.C

In one of the longest and fiercest battles of the war, Separatist forces are on the verge of claiming the planet of Malastare; a forested planet located in the Mid Rim situated along the Hydian Way. The surface of Malastare mainly consisted of forests but the core was home to large reserves of fuel. As a result, the native Dugs had cleared a large portion of land to create refineries to extract fuel.

Due to the fuel reserves, the Republic couldn't risk losing Malastare to the Separatists. They needed the fuel for themselves which meant that on top of winning the battle, the Jedi needed to convince Doge Nakha Urus, leader of the Dug Council, to sign a treaty and allow the Republic to use the planet's resources.

Unfortunately for both sides, the battle never seemed to end. In a final effort to turn the tide, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine authorised the use of the Republic's newest weapon: the Electro-Proton bomb designed to deactivate droids but leave the clones unharmed.

Standing inside the Imperial palace of Doge Urus, Mace Windu alongside Kaia and Anakin could only count down the minutes until the detonation of their doomsday device. Kaia folded arms behind her back, intertwining her hands to keep her fingers from nervously flexing as she thought about the possible effects the unused weapon would have on the Clone Troopers; she wasn't onboard using living beings to test out a weapon.

An incoming army of battle droids were currently marching towards the Imperial palace — far too many for their current numbers to fight off — which meant they either needed to use the weapon or surrender because reinforcements wouldn't reach them in time.

"I will not allow my people to become Separatist slaves," Doge said, turning to address the Chancellor that was with them via hologram. Like the rest of his species, Doge possessed four handlike feet and used two for walking while the other two hung in the air; his snout was elongated and he had dark purple skin.

"I assure you, Doge Urus, that will not happen," Palpatine said in that soothing tone of his that sent a chill of distrust through Kaia each time he spoke; she knew not to trust any politicians, but something about the Chancellor truly felt off — more so than any other member of the Senate. "Dr. Boll has stated that only droids will be affected by the bomb's electron field."

The Chancellor motioned over to Dr. Sionver Boll, a female Bival scientist that worked for the Galactic Republic, who had joined them on Malastare. She possessed a lanky frame, large yellow eyes mounted on stalks, crested heads, long fingers and red scales.

"Yes," Dr. Boll assured him, "the clones and your people will be quite safe. We have accounts for every probable outcome."

"Every probable outcome, not every possible," Kaia pointed out tensely, standing beside her former master who shared her concerns.

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