Chapter 0,TRAILER : The Monster Within

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NOTE:The characters and events in this book are fictional and have no connection with real life. In the religion mentioned, Gods have nothing to do with the real characters/beliefs.

Warning:This book contains gore, violence, sexual harrasment, self harm, slangs, sensitive topics and ultimate quality(^_^) . Read it with your own will.

~8La la7 la la, la la la6, la la, la la5 la, la la, la la4 la, la la3, la la2. ~1
High up and at the bottom of the earth, buried, cold as a corpse.
High, dark, endless and biased.
Always, like with me.
You and me, so close, and yet so far away. Clouds overhead, mud raining down from the sky.
And blood, flowing, sweet oh sweet dreams; be good, child, they'll find you.
The sun and the moon in the sky, so lonely, the darkness barely reflects their light,..
but when the air grows cold and the snow falls, don't they know, oh little crystal, what a new day brings?
It's hard to watch, the sun goes down and disappointments.
Me and you, together, let us always be in the sky.
Heaven is far away and yet near to hell ,
under the moon, above the sun.
~Pieces of Amirelda (10-7)
Years ago, Gods played a game that they shouldn't have. They gambled over the creature named "human". Humans were enjoyable and interesting at that time but with time passing by, humans have started to get boring. And at some point, gods were dissapointed.
They tried to look for other entertainment because humans were useless to them. So, gods abandoned humans and left the earth to be burned. They planned to let humans live on their own and waited for the doomsday to come, time that they finally can remove all the creatures living in the universe. It was like an experiment to show to the angels how a creature with an own will can be so dangerous. But with time, they forgot about it except the Holy Lord, main goddess.
Humans have made a big disrespect and a lot of sins so, she decided to send all of them to a place that she has created, somewhere made of pain, hell. But her own daughter wasn't happy with this decision. She rejected it and she believed that all people deserve another chance. The Great Goddess took pity on her and made her an offer :
"Humans are selfish creatures, they have no dignity or mercy. They are flawed and great for gambling with their quirky, tactless decisions, but that's all. Undoubtedly, no matter how many more chances you give to a stupid creature like a human, the result will not change. I still want to watch you getting disappointed. I'm giving you time. If you prove me in 1605 years that people deserve a second chance, I will forgive them."
Her daughter accepted it and she said she wanted to spend her time in hell with sinners so that she could see the real cause of cruelity and evilness.
Holly Goddess accepted her offer because she wanted to prove her that she is wrong and her to give up on this job.
However, something unexpected happened during her daughter's time in Hell. Something real, big enough to land on Earth. Her daughter fell in love with Hell fire. She enjoyed the burning feeling on her skin, preferring the poison she drank to water. She didn't want to return.
And with her rebellion, she made a battle with the Great Goddess. She defended sinners by heart. But at the end of the day, she has fallen love with a monstrosity and refused holliness. And with sorrow, The Great Lord cursed her with a mortal soul and send her to the earth.
If she can't understand her mistake in Hell, I will show her something worse than hell. Then she will come back to me again, She thought.
Yet, the fallen angel was so mad about it and didn't want to accept. So she begged for a second chance.
The Great Goddess gave her a task, the biggest one .She offered to raise her back to heaven and she will make her the new lord if she accomplishes this task
They made a deal. At first, it may seems like an amazing deal, but with this announcement, other heirs wanted to learn this "special task" because they didn't want their sister to be the next goddess.
And then, Things got complicated. Her siblings tried to found out what this mission is and do it before her, so they've started sending threats and attacking her.
But she manged to survive from these threats. And with time, she has got used to earth. However, even after many years, she still tries to finish the task. She was a bit clumsy and lazy, thats why she couldn't finish it. Other heirs now believed that she would never succeed in this task and stopped bothering with her.

But she never gave up.
She was very strong and had no regrets. But Universe had to admit that, on gloomy nights when the moon is directly overhead, sometimes she would cry silently in case someone heard her pain, and she would secretly misses her home, God of death and lust, God of sorrow and nights: Izanami Amanosako.

-Heyyy, I have a question! If she really missed her home, then why didn't she return back?
- That's because sweetie, she was too stubborn to do this, plus, she still has wanted to prove her morher that she was right.
- I have a question too, if she sent down to the earth, does that mean her mother and the other gods were right? I mean, she did something disrespectful.
- Well Mark, in no place love can be an excuse to introduce someone as a sinner. It doesn't make any sense.! Of course they were wrong. They didn't even listen!
- Why do you even care so much?
- It's not like i care, You asked,i answered. That's it.
- Can't you read the whole story again!?
- Again! But i have already read it eight times today . You really love this story, don't you? I am so sorry Maggie but i really should get going. Maybe another time. Goodbye children!
- Goodbye Miss. Cady!

Omg, i really am late now! GREAT.
Well, with a basic introduction, My name is Amber, at least that's what a lot of people call me and I have zero intention to write some kind of diary, oh, but totally not a diary, about my whole damn life. But hey, here we are. Years ago, i have started to help babysitting to my neighbor Jennie. She is like my sister, so i do enjoy helping her. Plus, i earn money and it helps me to buy food and stuffs at the daytime. Like, it is a perfect part time job for a child - lover person like me! Howfreckingever, i am going to highschool. Yes, i mean it. And if you ever went to a popular highschool that rich kid goes, you 'd know what i meant. It is basicly a war place. Everyone is pussy. If they ever learn that i am babysitting children at nights, i would be troubled. Lucky me, ((!)))) )i have just looked after that motherfucker Midget' s little sister. And she learnt about my situation. Of course she paid to me but, i'll absolutely get bullied as soon as the school starts(i am happy to be in a holiday right NOW) , maybe even before. For now, i do my job, i'll go to school after summer and try to propose things, try to survive - which is a very exhausting job- and read my favourite myth books to children. The thing they don't know is, they are not just "myths" indeed. More, much more than myths or even reality. They are far above than all of those words. Bless.
Hii, i am so excited to finally publish this scenario. I am a bit nervous too, to be honest. That is my first book so i am not sure if i can do this job properly but believe me, i will try my best to make this book better everytime. I know that this trailer explains a lot more than a TRAILER should and i hope i can find a topic for chapter 1. <3
Anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed it and write me your comments if you want to ask something or just to say your opinion.(I probably made a lot of mistakes)
I will upload new chapters, time depends on the situation. But i won't wait you guys a lot. (I hope. ^_^)
See you later, sweeties.
With my best wishes,
~🎠 R3₺R3₺1N@1$T3R3🐬🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸💮

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