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It was a peaceful day in Amirelda. Peaceful? What does "Peaceful" mean? Happy? Cheerfull? Without problems and issues? No, that's not it. Peaceful is meaningless. It basically has no meaning. "Peace" is even something tricky by itself. It has a different meaning for everyone. That is why there is no posibility that it means something. For me, peaceful means everything is going just like the government wants. Or, the governance, you know. Or there is no peace for me, who knows?

Well, there is a lot of killing and issues, but there is no problem for the rulers and they don't affect me at all, so why should i care? Sounds so selfish, right? But it is miserable that it is true. I don't really care, i am only here to give these information. These kinds of human feelings are not my thing. Yet, Amber is here. She "likes "me like this. Who am i? Well, i am absolutely nobody. I am nothing and i really am.

"Miss. Nobody? "


Yes, you can hear everybodys laughters.

Of course they are laughing at me. I mean, i wouldn't blame them for laughing at this ridiculous surname. I don't know if it is a curse but after a new family adopted me, Shortly after, i learnt that this is their"Surname. "

Unbelievable. My surname became a nickname for me among the students and i had to deal with lots of bullies just because of it. I really love my family to be honest, i mean they are kind and caring parents. Like the perfect family that you can only see in movies. (They have money. ) My dad was just a normal doctor before he opened his own clinic. He became so popular on social Media and immediately, we became rich. I used to go to an ordinary public school, i feel very lucky for having that oportunity at least for a peroid, it was... Ordinary. But this year, it is different.
Now we have money and last summer, I took the exam for that "elite high school", which can be considered as the most luxurious school in the world and only the rich and talented people can enter. There is a scholarship exam every year and it is impossible to enter this school without passing it. At least according to what they say. But there were also rumors that the school ignores these factors for some special students.

People who passed this exam gained the right to enter this high school, but of course it doesn't end there. Everything must be superior. You need to have some talents in sports, art, etc. You need to have a perfect family and a planned future. Such a school like this, even a person like me, it was like a dream for me to be at this school, but here i am. In this special class with special students.

What is selfishness? Are all people selfish? These are questions to ask but not to answer. In this special school, i think all of the students, at least most of them can be considered as a selfish person if it means only caring about yourself . Maybe they really are just pussies, but i do want to believe that everybody has a good side inside, i really do. And yes i use slangs to describe them, but that doesn't mean i hate them. Actually, i have learnt that a lot of person uses these words to the ones that they really love as a joke,so it should't be a big deal.

Back to the very "Special" students. (They are just rich). At least most of them are special. But,..

"Oh, fuck! The Miss little Nobody is here! I can't believe she literally came here after what happened today. "

"Cut it, Josh or i will fuck your little Sister. You kept her as a secret from the class, probably because you'd get ashamed?"

Oh, this is Yuna by the way. She is a decisive, cold blooded bitch. She can use you like a dog and make you regret your life. So, better not mess with her. We have met with each other this morning but i guess we are friends now? Meh, it is actually good to have someone that can protect you.

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