2. First Contact

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"Fuck." Minji was pumping her hard cock as the cold water was trickling down her warm skin. She had her free hand leaning on the tiled wall as her other one was quickly jerking herself off.

The moment she got home yesterday from school, she ran up to her room, threw all her clothes off and almost immediately started taking care of her aching boner. The smell, touch and sight of Hanni was fresh in her mind that she needed to get rid of the shameless desire bubbling in her body so she could think straight again.

But even after having two incredible orgasms, she couldn't seem to get enough of it.

She woke up that morning, her cock tenting her blanket and even if she wanted to ignore the ache between her legs, she couldn't. The compression shorts weren't going to be enough to camouflage her shame as much as she wanted to. So, she decided to take care of herself again that morning.

In her mind, all she could think of was Hanni, her luscious black hair, the look in her eyes, the warmth of her breath. Minji hated it. She hated everything about it. But it was obvious that her body felt the opposite.

It wanted Hanni. It wanted to be touched by her. Minji started imagining Hanni's hands on her belly, trailing hot touches on it, slowly moving towards her hard cock.

She wanted to know what Hanni tasted like. She wanted to be as lucky as Sunghoon, who already knew how her lips tasted.

"Shit." Minji cursed quietly. She hated how Sunghoon was graced with Hanni's touch and with her kisses. She hated how he was so lucky to have her attention, so lucky to be her boyfriend. Minji wanted to be him. She wanted to be the one to hold Hanni, to kiss her, to be stared at lovingly by her.

Minji wanted Hanni.

She furrowed her brows, now feeling that familiar coiling in her stomach and the precum leaking out of the small slit on the head of her cock. She closed her eyes, feeling the shower water trickle down on her face.

In her mind, Hanni was holding onto her, fingers scratching on the skin of her back, moaning thickly into her ears. Cursing and praising how good Minji was fucking her. Imagining Hanni begging for her, canting out her wishes, asking for more.

"H-Hanni." Minji moaned, and in a flash, she came. Spurts of her cum shot out, hitting the wet tiles of her shower, feeling her body twitch with each release.

Thank the gods she did this in the shower. It was easy to clean up.

Minji managed to catch her breath as she finally stopped twitching. Her cock was starting to go limp, feeling herself empty out since she jerked off so much since last night.

"I can finally get through the day." She said, now standing up straight and cleaning up the mess she did.

Minji contemplated if she should tell her friends about what happened. After she got home and was able to jerk off the sexual tension she had with Hanni, Yunjin came over for dinner as planned and everything seemed normal than usual. But it ate her conscience that she didn't tell her best friend what happened at the music room.

She could tell Yunjin. But then again, her tall friend might get overly concerned and maybe tell the others about it. Because Minji wasn't the type to have all the attention on her.

She liked it when Yunjin was the one leading the conversations or how everyone was in awe with Dani's talents and maybe even Yujin because she had so much rizz and confidence that everyone was compelled to listen to her. Kazuha had her own share because of her abilities or how she was the obedient student that all the teachers seemed to trust her with everything.

Minji liked being drowned in the background with her friends. There was nothing special about her. She was just nothing.

Maybe that's why she was set to believe that having anything with Hanni was as close to being considered impossible. It would never happen.

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