Chapter 2: Slaughterhouse

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~ Packhouse, more like slaughterhouse ~

"What the fuck is-" Maeve starts but is cut off by the door flying open. Our mother comes tumbling down the stairs, landing at the bottom with a loud thud. I rush over to her and turn her onto her back. I gasp, deep claw marks are carved into her chest. My mother struggles to keep her eyes open as the blood continues to gush out of the wound. 

"Go... run... the vill-age" she manages to get out in between sharp breaths. 

With zero hesitation Maeve immediately begins to run up the stairs, leaving everyone else behind. "No, mum I can't-" I start but before I can finish I am grabbed by an injured Talon. "Wan, don't you fucking dare start" he hisses while dragging me up the stairs with Tristan and Scarlett closely following behind. We make our way through the open metal door, only to be met with the most horrific sight.

Bodies. Everywhere. 

Blood splattered all over the walls of what looks to be the kitchen and large pools of blood seeping from beneath the bodies. We step over countless of who I assume to be human slaves and omegas, swiftly making our way to a hallway that leads us away from the kitchen. I take in the strong metallic stench. Blood, so much blood. What on Earth is going on? Is everyone dead? Why is everyone dead?

We find ourselves in the foyer of the packhouse, I remember mum describing what it looked like to me a long time ago and just like the kitchen the floor is littered with the bodies of the pack members, many rendered unrecognisable. We charge through the front door and make our way outside. It's dark, I look up and sure enough it's a blood moon. For a split second I stare in awe; this is my first time seeing it in person. Hues of red and orange adorn the surface of the moon. It's so beauti-

Get yourself together, Wanette. I continue running with my brothers and we begin to traverse the open field. Maeve has disappeared; she is nowhere to be seen. Did she already make it to the road? Behind us we can hear growling. I glance over my shoulder while still on the run and see a large black and grey wolf. Did that wolf do all of this? Is it a rogue? Surely a rogue wouldn't be able to do this much damage. The large wolf begins to chase. We will never be able to outrun a wolf, is this how we meet our end? Talon, who is still injured from his altercation with Cain earlier, runs slower than both me and Tristan. The wolf catches up and sinks its teeth into Talon's leg. "FUCK!" he cries out and falls to the ground. Tristan swiftly hands Scarlett over to me. "Run, I'm staying with my brother" he cries and turns to go and help Talon. 

I don't protest and just keep moving forward. Do not look behind Wanette. Do not look behind. I make it to the forest and continue running as fast as I possibly can through the trees. Everything feels so familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. I know I've never been here before but I guess it's my werewolf side making me feel at home in the woods. I run until I can't anymore, my legs giving way, I fall to my knees. I've never moved so much in my entire life. Scarlett, who is still in my arms, continues to sob quietly.

From the corner of my eyes I spot Maeve leaning against a tree clutching at her arm. I dash over to her. "Maeve, why did you run off like that? Why did you leave-" I stop myself as I am met with a cold glare. "Shut the fuck up, it's every woman for herself" she hisses through clenched teeth. We stand in silence for a few moments until we hear rustling in the distance. "Shit" she mutters before gently pushing me forward, gesturing for me to go. As much as it pains me I decide not to protest, I have to protect Scarlett at all costs. 

I begin to run again with my little sister still sobbing in my arms. We don't get very far when we hear a scream coming from behind. 


It takes everything in me not to look back, I must keep going. Through teary eyes I continue running for what feels like hours, ignoring every rustle of the leaves and every gust of wind. I finally see an opening up ahead and run through it, it's the road. I dart into the middle of the country road. A little red car approaches us at full speed. I stand still like a deer in headlights. If it's not the wolf that kills us it'll be this car. 

The car comes to an abrupt stop mere inches away from impact. I let out a sigh of relief. The window on the driver's side rolls down and a woman who couldn't be much older than me pokes her head out. "GET IN THE BACK OF THE CAR NOW!" she screams in a state of panic. I hurry to get in. Once me and Scarlett are settled, the woman slams her foot on the accelerator. To our right the wolf emerges from the trees and pounces. The woman swerves the car to avoid it. We get lucky, only just managing to miss it. I look back through the window and see the wolf just standing in the middle of the road. Its ice blue eyes stare coldly at us before letting out a piercing howl. 


Author's note

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As of right now I plan to release 1-2 chapters every Friday. Any feedback both positive and negative will be greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a story like this so I hope that it turned out alright.

Thank you for reading!



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