Chapter 26: Closeted

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~ Sometimes keeping secrets does more harm than good ~

Eyes. Bloodshot eyes. Shriek. An ear-piercing shriek. Fear. Paralysed by fear. I watch in horror as my cousin Rue sits helplessly on the ground, frozen with terror as Fenwick approaches her cowering form. I rush to help her but am blocked by an invisible barrier that separates us. All I can do is observe my father's slow and calculated movements towards her. He lets out a chilling laugh as she trembles at the sight of him. 

"Don't..." I beg, falling to my knees. "Please..." I cry. "Don't hurt her please..." I sob. Nothing, not even so much as a glance in my direction; they cannot hear me. The sound of bones cracking fills the empty space and echoes off into the distance. A large black and grey wolf with cold blue eyes replaces him, my father. The wolf circles Rue, watching her every move like a hawk. 

Without warning he pounces, now done stalking his prey he goes in for the kill. She releases a bloodcurdling scream as he rips her to shreds, her blood splattering all over his fur. She starts to hit the wolf on top of her, a desperate attempt to get him to stop. Her arms fall limp at her side as crimson completely covers her tanned skin, her efforts proving futile. I wail as I stare at the scene petrified. The last thing I see is his icy blue eyes, void of any emotion before the world beneath me begins to crumble.

My eyes snap open to a flickering yellow light above my head. "Hey there sleepy head, you had me worried for a hot second" the blonde-haired man chuckles beside me. I sit up and clutch the side of my head, an intense pain shooting through me. "Easy now, I did just hit you with my truck" he says, helping me to prop myself up so my back is against the headboard. 

"You hit me with your what?" I ask, still quite shaken from the nightmare and obviously very disoriented from the events prior. "Back at the airport, you came out of nowhere" he states. "Actually, why were you at the airport?" he queries, looking at me confused. Rue...

"Where's Rue?" I blurt out in a panic. Rue can't go back to the UK... My father will-

"She boarded not too long ago. Why? Is something wrong?" he replies, furrowing his eyebrows as I stare back at him horrified. "No..." I shake my head in disbelief. "He's going to kill her..." I whisper, my eyes glazing over. "Oh no, don't worry. The BWA knows about the situation and are going to meet her at the airport with her brother, she'll be kept safe as will he" he mentions. 

The terror rising within begins to subside as Jacques' words calm me down. So... Was it just paranoia? I turn my gaze to the window in my room, noticing how the moon has already risen. 

"Thankfully you only ended up with a few scratches here and there so nothing major. Oh and what was with that vampire from earlier?" he says. "Vampire?" Is he talking about Julian? Oh wait, Julian!

"Yeah. He tried to come in when I brought you back, he sounded quite worried. It was strange; vampires don't usually care about anyone but themselves. I would say that he was putting on an act but it didn't seem like he was" he mentions, confused by Julian's intentions. I totally forgot about Julian...

"I have to go back to the packhouse now but call me if you need anything and I'll see you Saturday night" he stands, ready to leave. "What's happening Satur-" 'The full moon you idiot' I can feel Kali rolling her eyes in my mind, reminding me of my sister Maeve. Oh...

"I'll take you out of town away from the pack. Rue's already informed me that it'll be your first time shifting" he clarifies to which I nod my head in response. He bids me a goodnight before promptly leaving the room. As I hear the engine of his truck fade into the distance I get up and make my way outside for some fresh air. 

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