Chapter 33: Bloodlust

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~ Tiny droplets are never enough to satisfy one's thirst ~

"Look I don't want any troub-"

"It's because of you Leah is injured; it's all your fault!" the ginger-haired girl says, putting all of the blame on me as she advances, forcing my back to hit the lockers. "You must be a witch or something, you put Hunter under a spell so that he'd hurt his mate didn't you" she claims. Uhhh... Wait... What?

"His mate?"

"Don't try to act all dumb now, we know that you aren't human" Kayla pipes up. "Leah is the future luna of our pack and mate of the future alpha which is Hunter if you haven't already figured it out. How dare you try to separate them? Don't you know that will never work, it's impossible to keep wolves from their mate" she continues, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 'Are they being serious right now?' Kali questions, just as baffled as I am.

"Why do you think that she's his mate? Did Leah tell you both that?" I ask. "Yeah, she found out the moment she shifted for the first time about a year ago. Are you trying to say that she's lying? How dare you?!" Hang on a minute. Is she lying or does Hunter have two mates???

As I am about to respond a loud cackle echoes throughout the changing room, startling all three of us. "Leah? Hunter's mate? You both having a laugh?" Jemima intervenes, pushing to stand in between me and the two bitches. "I can tell ya right now, clear as day, he ain't her mate like. You wanna know why he acted the way that he did?" she says, pointing a finger towards me. 

"It's 'coz Sarah right here is his mate not that slag like" 

"Well... He keeps coming back to her doesn't he, he wouldn't do that if she wasn't-"

"Keep telling yourself that hun, he's only using her tho innit. I ain't tryna be funny or nothin' but he's a wasteman ain't he, he'd literally sleep with anyone that lets him like" she interjects. "How dare you speak about our future alpha like that!" 

"Uhh, whatever. Can't believe yous are even tryna defend him after he hurt your friend like. Unlike yous I actually care about my mates so piss off" she waves a hand to shoo them away. Her mates? Does she think that we're friends? "Of course we care about Leah! That's why we're-"

"You obvs don't like, anyone can see that he's a wasteman. Waste. Of. Space. Innit. Now get outta my face or I'll shave all your hair off when you're sleeping won't I" she says, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at them with a bored expression. "Shave my what?! You wouldn't do that you're all-"

"Clearly you don't know who I am then do ya, if I tell yous I'm gonna do something it means I'm gonna do it like" 

The two werewolves turn to look at each other, snickering before reluctantly backing away. "Honestly, what is wrong with the people in this school? They're all a bunch of proper weirdos like" she sighs. "Thank-"

"Whatever, I didn't do that for you, they've been pissing me off all week innit. You can go back to playing pretend now with your loser Canadian mates like" she says, cutting me off before storming out of the changing rooms. Okay, there's no need to be rude is there. 

Now alone I open the locker that has my backpack and my clothes inside. As I go to grab my things a skin-coloured object falls to the ground with a thud. I pick up the rubbery item - a hand, a fake hand. Who would...

'It's probably that Kayla and Sadie; they clearly have it out for us' Kali implies. I nod, agreeing with her theory. Deciding to just ignore their silly antics I throw the hand away in the bin (trash can) nearby and change quickly.

I make my way out of the empty changing room to the barren hallway. I sigh upon seeing Ryan and Ethan standing above Steven's trembling form. Seriously? This again?! Out of nowhere Noah rushes to Steven's aid and helps him to his feet. Where did he come from?  

"How many times do I have to tell you to leave him alone?!" he shouts, blocking their view of the short plump boy shaking behind him. My mouth falls agape as I watch the scene unfold. I was under the impression that no one even spoke to Steven... 

"Oh buzz off lover boy, like we give a shit" Ethan retorts, Ryan nods his head in agreement. Lover boy?

"Didn't I tell you both that I'd report you if you bothered Steven again?" I mention, reminding them of our altercation from last week as I walk over to stand beside Noah. "You can't do shit. My father's the Principal!" Ryan states before laughing in my face along with Ethan. 'Alright, that's it! Let me have them!' Kali growls, fighting to take control. Not here! We're in a School!

As I am preoccupied battling with Kali in my mind I fail to notice Ethan reach into his backpack. Before I know it a red substance is poured over the top of my head, staining my dirty blonde hair a deep crimson. Blood. 

My breath hitches in my throat as my mind begins to spiral, unable to tame the thoughts. My desire, my fear, my pain. Their cackling, drowned out by a loud ringing in my ears. My eyes move to look at Noah as I stand still, afraid to move a muscle. His mouth is moving but I hear nothing, nothing but the ringing. The blood trickles down my face and over my lips. I can't, I can't...

Unable to resist the urge any longer I give into my desires and lick the blood off of my lips. "Oh calm down! It's only jam!" Ryan yells, the ringing in my ears stopping as a surge of power shoots through me. My eyes turn red, burning through my brown contact lenses to reveal the blood moon beneath. 

"Uhhh, are you sure about that?"


Author's note

Life update - So update on the dog. Vet signed him off because the boy was doing way better than expected and has somehow healed fully. We're now allowed to start getting him back into his normal routine, like going to the park, going up the stairs etc. But we still have to ease him into it. Also, did any of you guys watch Eurovision this year? My personal favourite was Croatia amidst all of the controversy. What was yours?

Back to the story - I know it's a short one, I had a writer's block this week so I struggled but figured something out in the end. Has Leah lied or does Hunter somehow have 2 mates just like Wanette? The hand - was it Kayla and Sadie who put that in her locker? And was it a harmless prank or a warning for what is yet to come? Noah and Steven... I wonder what's going on between them. Find out next week!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As of right now I plan to release 1-2 chapters every Friday. Any feedback both positive and negative will be greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a story like this so I hope that it turned out alright.

Thank you for reading!



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