Chapter eight

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Amanda's POV

"Good evening ma"I greeted my step mother who was operating on her iPad and she looked up

I guess she was so engrossed on whatever she was doing on her phone that she didn't even notice that her
' oh so precious babies '  were back

"Hello my babies,how are you doing" she asked her children completely ignoring my greetings

"We're good mum"Charissa answered cheerfully on their behalf and I decided to green her again

"Good evening ma"I greeted her again

"Shut up your stinky mouth and keep your nonsense greetings from yourself. So because we are home now so cannot sharp your mouth again abi" carissa yelled ate

I felt a headache come already

"Carissa please respect yourself ooh please" I said to her and what followed me was a resounding slap on my face by my step mom

"Are you stupid? Is it my daughter you are talking to like that"Patricia yelled at me

"Mummy wait first, let us first tell you what this stupid girl did."Carissa said to her mother while eyeing me and at once I knew she was going to lie against me

"Mummy can you believe that because we were in her friends place she was just treating us like slaves, sending us message up and down even though there was many workers in the house."Carissa lied to her mum about me without battling an eye

"Yes ooh mummy. She even told us to go and cook for her and happy and she was insulting us any how. Even on our way home she was just laying all kind of insults on us" Charissa backed her sister up

"WOW. If I can remember clearly,Happy and I were outside most of the time we spent there and you guys were inside so how was I now ordering you guys around like you said.

And even when we were coming back, you were the ones planning to lie against me to your mum and was even called me a fool" I defended my self boldly and Patricia slapped me after that

"You are mad. What if she called you a fool so what? Aren't you one? So you are now calling my children liers abi you have now grown tiny wings so you think you can now fly abi"Patricia yelled at me and slapped me on the other cheek

Ok that's it

"What is it self? What did I do why do you people hate me so much? I mean I've done everything possible just to please you but you still hate me soo much....
I don't understand what did I ever do to deserve all this kind of treatment ehn" I asked them with tears running out of my eyes like tap and I can see their shocked faces.

"Chimamanda...... So you have finally grown wings abi,see the way you are talking to me "Patricia yelled at me.

I can see that she was really angry but I cared less. I'm tired of all this treatment abeg.

I can't talked this anymore. No matter how hard I try to please them they still hate me so much what do they na want me to do? Kill my self or what so they can be finally satisfied abi, that's not happening

"Amanda are you out of your mind or what? What is wrong with you? Do you realize you are talking to my mother" Charissa asked with a shocked face

"E be like say something they work your brain ooh do you actually realize you are talking to an elderly woman old enough to be your mother"Carissa spoke this time

"Yes I'm talking to your mother!! Elderly woman my foot!
And you've not yet answered my question
What did I or my mother do to you that you treat me like this in my own father's house? Is it because we are not the same blood.........just tell it because I'm not your child.......please answer me and stop keeping quiet and give me some answers now please" I yelled at their faces while wiping my tears.

I'm not done yet

"Look, I've beared enough, I can't take this anymore I've not seen life yet that you want to kill me. I'm tired.    Don't worry I will leave you and your children alone. I will stop bothering you" I said to them and went inside to pack my few clothes an accessories.

It didn't take me anytime since I had very few things and I'm less than five minutes I was already out of their house. They can enjoy the house for all I care

I came outside and they were still in shock

"Good bye"I said to them and Patricia broke out of her shock

"Amanda!! chimamanda where do you think you're going to" she yelled at me

"Leave me alone. I'm tired of all this"I said to her

"And where do you think you will go. This is your only home"Patricia sneered at me and I chuckled

"You know happy has always been advising me to come to her place but I never listened. I guess she has been right
all along. I living this hell of a place I call home" I said and started walking away

"Amanda Amanda chimamanda I'm talking to you. Come back here right now" I here Patricia yelling my name but I payed no attention to her as I kept walking away to Happy's house

"Mummy abeg let's go inside and go and cook jor. We can live without her"Carissa said to her mum

'yes mum. She was just a pain In the ass any way"Charissa backed her sister up

"You are right my babies. We don't need her. Don't worry very soon she will come back begging us to accept her back.
You think as rich as happy is, she will accommodate some one like her? Never" Patricia hissed and they went inside

Okkkkkkk action time ☠️☠️💀🦾🤼🤼🦁
Amanda has finally  bold up and gave it to them
Patricia and he children collect wotowoto sha
Do you support what Amanda did?😇

Do you think she will regret it?😑

What do you think will happen to Patricia and her children now that Amanda is out of their lives 🙃😶🤔

Well stay tuned for more chapters and this novel has a lot of lesson so please share.😇

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Today's question

What is your favorite color?

Mine is Red ❤️purple 💜and black 🖤

Comment your answers on the comments box.

See you when I sees you.😇

Adios pipo🤟🖖🖐️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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