Chapter 10 - Relief

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(A/N): Hello Hello! Sorry about the slow updates I am truly trying to make updates somewhat consistent but I have practices after school and kind of forgot about the book! Anyways thanks for 2000 reads! And now onto the chapter!

Chapter 10 - Relief


(Y/n)'s P.o.V


"Whew" (Y/n) said as Sans left "That was scary"

As (Y/n) said that he looked at Chara, Chara was slumped down in a corner crying silently "Chara?" (Y/n) asked "Are you ok?"

(Y/n) looked at Chara his eyes showing a certain softness as he walked towards her and attempted to hug her. Though as he got close to her she disappeared. 

"Chara? I understand if you're nervous or sad I'll let you be though whenever you feel ready please come talk to me" (Y/n) said as he smiled and left the room 

(Y/n) walked into a corridor of what seems to be a small abandoned building. He looked around the wind howling, the temperature dropping and the overall mood eerie. 

He tried looking for the exit and found it minutes later. He walked out of the building and looked around trying to figure out where he was. He looked at the building, the looming shadow of Mt. Ebbot drawing a eerie figure behind it.

(Y/n) looked at all the trees and noticed he was in the forest that holds Mt. Ebbot. He looked away from Mt. Ebbot and started his way back home which was near.

(Y/n) thought over all of what he had told Sans and smiled 'I did pretty well considering that was my first time talking to him' (Y/n) thought as he exited the forest.

"(Y/n), why continue to help me... Everybody is against me and now they're against you..." Chara said a ghostly echo still present from her voice even after she spoke.

"Well I help you because even if what you've done is terrible, you deserve a second chance!" (Y/n) said with an enthusiastic tone "Even if you don't think you deserve one, you do!"

"Still why!? That isn't any reason to help someone like me..." Chara said Chara said as sniffles echoed around (Y/n) 

"Because you're my friend..." (Y/n) said as he smiled lightly and walked onto the sidewalk his home now in sight

"You're friend...?" Chara said the echo now softened and focused in one area beside him "We're friends that right"

"Of course why wouldn't we be friends?" (Y/n) said as he looked up in thought

"Because i'm a ghost and you're a human..." Chara said as the echo disappeared and Chara appeared beside (Y/n) once again

"Why does that matter?" (Y/n) said as he walked onto the porch of his house and knocked on the door "It doesn't matter if you're a ghost or not we would still be friends!"

(Y/n) looked at Chara and noticed the tears streaming down her face whether they are of happiness or sadness he can't tell. (Y/n)s head turns toward the door as he hears it open.

"Hey Grandpa!" (Y/n) said "How are you?"

"Good, how are you bud?" Mr. (L/n) asked

"I'm fine! I got out of school early due to interesting events" (Y/n) said 

"Oh, and what of those events?" Mr. (L/n) asked his tone now having noticeable worry 

"Oh, it's nothing much they just asked me a few questions and let me leave school" (Y/n) said a smile now noticeable on his face 

"Ahh, okay well i'm sure it meant nothing, come in" Mr. (L/n) said "I haven't made anything for lunch so you can make something if you want bud"

"Got it, thanks Gramps!" (Y/n) said as he walked into the door

"(Y/n)... promise me one thing" Chara said as she wiped her ghostly tears "Promise me... that you won't give up on me..."

(Y/n) walked in silence towards his room and looks at Chara "I wouldn't give up on you!" (Y/n) smiled and tried to hug Chara, this time as he went for the hug he felt something solid, and soft, he then felt arms surround his body as Chara hugged him.

"Thank you (Y/n)..." Chara said as tears flowed down her face onto (Y/n)'s jacket

"Your welcome Chara" (Y/n) said happily "I know that you won't disappoint me"

"I will try not to disappoint you..." Chara said as she broke the hug 

"Wait since your becoming more visible to others should we you know, make sure my grandpa doesn't see you?" (Y/n) said as he looked around his room "I believe I should have an extra inflatable mattress in my closet!"

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you too much" Chara said a smile now breaking onto her face as the tears subsided 

"You wouldn't be bothering me at all! After all i'm the one that proposed that we do this!" (Y/n) said as he smiled and booped Charas nose "So would you like to sleep in my room?"

"I, uhm, sure!" Chara said a light blush starting to form on her face

"Alright then it's settled you'll sleep in my room for a while until we find a way to tell my Grandpa!" (Y/n) said as he went through his closet looking for the inflatable mattress  


(A/n): If you don't know what I'm talking about you've had a good life lmao. Those like inflatable bed things that were kind of comfy but it took a while to get comfortable.


"Aha! I found it!" (Y/n) said as he grabbed it out and put it next to his bed "If you don't wanna do this we don't have to just wanted to let you know"

"I mean it doesn't sound terrible!" Chara said her blush growing as she looked away

"Got it!" (Y/n) said as he went to go grab the pump to inflate the mattress

"Wow I've never seen anything like this" Chara said as she watched (Y/n) plug the pump in and then start inflating the bed

"Well I mean it's not too new, so maybe that's why?" (Y/n) said as he looked at Chara 

"That could be it after all I'm not too sure how long ago I died" Chara said as she watched the mattress inflate

"Well that makes sense especially since you're a ghost maybe coming back will offer new opportunities who knows!" (Y/n) said as he finished inflating the bed and sealed the hole keeping the mattress inflated without the pump

"Hmm this'll be interesting" Chara said as she went towards the bed and played on it "Do you have any extra pillows and blankets?"

"Of course! Let me go grab them for you!" (Y/n) said as he walked towards the closet and grabbed both a blanket and a pillow for Chara

"Thank you (Y/n)..." Chara said as she yawned

"Are you tired Chara?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at Chara

"I am..." Chara said "It feels like I haven't slept in forever..."

(A/n): Boop! Also thanks for 2.4k reads!

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