And why is she here?

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3rd person pov

"Good. You're learning" Chico smiled fixing Marcus' jacket, "Just a friend spar with my new amigo. Get some rest, Marcus. We'll finish this later" Chico added patting his face

Chico spit in the ground staring at Marcus, "Vamanous" he said before him and his group left, Marcus looked over at Willie before looking over at Mads, "Fuck this place" he said grabbing his bag

"Madison" Master Lin said as she sighed, "I know. Willie get your car" Madison spoke putting her hair up and following Willie

"Why you back in that bunk-ass jacket?" Williw asked looking at Marcus, the two were sat in his car slowly driving next to Marcus, who was dressed in the clothes he came in

"Yo, i got to ace this Black Arts assignment, and you're my new lab partner" Willie said as Marcus glanced over at the two not saying anything, Willie sighed before stopping the car in front of him

"Why would i help you? And why is she here?" Marcus asked not looking at her, how could he? Saya said his kiss with her meant nothing

"Homeboy, Lin aint here. This my homegirl, she goes where i go"

"He's lying. My dad made me come"

"You listen to everything your dad says?" he asked looking at Mads, "Who run off like a bitch everytime you get your ass beat?"

"Look, i aint no bitch like Chico" Willie said handing Mads a gun, "Get in the car, and she never misses a shot" he added as Marcus sighed getting in the car as Mads moved to the back putting the gun in her jeans waistband

"I get it. First day jitters. I remember by my first day. Mesmerized by that fat ass on Ms. DeLucas"

"She does" Mads nodded in agreement, "DeLuca's my new white whale. It was that redneck ho, Brandy, till i broke through the Mason-Dixon line"

"Brandy's your girlfriend?" Marcus asked a little confused as the two looked at him

"Girlfriend? What? Hell no!"

"She's a Nazi, Marcus. That aint girlfriend material" Mads said sitting back in her seat, "And you are?" he asked looking at her

"If your upset about our little kiss dont be, i never said it didnt mean anything. That was Saya, so get that fucking stick out of your ass and stop being a dick" she said as he slowly turned back around

"Hell is wrong with you" Willie scoffed looking at Marcus, why was he dumb enough to mess with the cartel and Mads?

"I mean, we knocked boots a few times. But DeLuca? Now, id wife that up" Wille laughed before looking at Marcus seeing him looking out of the window, "Okay, you dont want to chit-chat. Want to act a punk, that's cool. But so we clear you going to help me cap this bad hombre you was telling Chico about. Unless its some bullshit"

"Oh, hes real. Rory's an animal"

"Ooh, scary" Willie said as Mads rolled her eyes, "What does he look like?" she asked leaning forward as Marcus pulled a sketch book from his bad and showing the two a sketch

Willie laughed, "Good thing you aint trying to be no artist. That's some wack-ass indie-type shit right there"

"The best comics are indie. Flaming carrot" "American Flagg" Marcus smiled

"Uh, "X-men?" "The Dark Phoenix" That bitch be jacking everybody up" Willie asked looking at him

"Male fantasy, mainstream melodrama bullshit" Mads scoffed before Willie leaned over putting the gun to her head, "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Marcus said looking between the two wide eyes

"The Dark Phoenix Saga owns all of that. Chris Claremont and John Byrne, motherfucker. Say it!" he said as she smiled, "Pull the trigger fuck head and ill see you in hell"

"Say it, Mads!" Marcus said staring at the girl, she rolled her eyes before grabbing the gun out of Willie's hand beofre bending his arm and hitting him with the butt of the gun

"Ow, fuck. Madison!" Willie yelled holding his nose, "Dont ever fucking point a gun at me if you wanna see another day, Willie" she said, "Dont worry we do this all the time" she smiled as Marcus

"Here's the deal" Willie began as he wiped the blood from his nose, "You help me do this, we drop you off anywhere you want to go, and you wont ever have to see my black ass, King's Dominion, or Madison again. Scout's honor" he said putting up three fingers

"Make a left" Marcus sighed, its not that he didnt wanna see Mad's again, he did, but he's not made to kill for a school task

"Here we go" Willie smiled as Mad's handed him the gun, "So how often does Mads break your nose?" Marcus asked

"At least 4 times a week" Willie said as Mads nodded smiling, "Its really easy. I can teach you"

The three walked along under the bridge where the homeless stay, Marcus made sure to keep Mads close to him, even though she could kill someone faster then he can, he still wanted to feel her around

"This what you running back to?" Willie asked, "Come on, be quiet" Marcus whispered talking them further down the bridge, they stopped at a shack look place, there was a man cutting something over a fire

Mad's had her bow in her hand with arrows in her boot, Willie carefully took the gun from his waist band and cocked it

Willie had the gun aimed towards the dude, who was laughing creepily, Mads could see the hesitation by the way his arm was shaking

The two jumped when all the sudden Willie turned around before throwing the gun, "What?" he asked turning towards the two

"Go ahead and call me a punk i know you're both dying to"

"I'm not the one who brought you out here" Marcus whispered looking at him, "Fronting all this OG shit, i hate it" Willie said his voice cracking a little

"This shit aint me, man. None of this shit's me. Im a pacifist, man"

"You're a what?" the two asked confused, "What's this now" said creepily dude said sneaking up on the three Marcus jumped going over by Willie, not forgetting to grab Mad's on the way

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