No! That'll be like kissing Lex, not gonna happen

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3rd person pov
Marcus voice over

"Sat up all night expecting to feel like a terrible person. Did he deserve it? Does it matter? Morality's just a comfort food. It hold no meaning outside of our minds. Like the "Mona Lisa", something a lot of people imagine value in-

Marcus was walking through the hallways he smiled when he saw Mads, but he was more than surprised when she smiled back, before hurriedly dropping it

-reading something into that idiot half-smile smear of paint, one big group hallucination, the sort of thinking that makes it possible for a place like this to exist. Turbines that suck in the innocent and spit out blood-soaked Wall Street cannibals. Perspectives stained by company rationalization. What are you gonna do? Throughout evolution, without a tribe, you were alone and dead so you sucked it up, worked with the assholes. That's all we are now, gangs of capitulating assholes. Every bored, every nation, every war, every ounce of racism, every religion, tribalism"

Marcus stopped walking when a blade was thrown into the wall next to him, he looked over to see four girls smiling and waving at him

Spineless politicians hypotactically finger fucking machines, an ancient instinct to secure alliances and a great excuse to screw with the new kid.

Madison was dressed in a white button up tucked into a black skirt, her school jacket over along with black boots, she sat next to Petra as Billy was across from them

"Every year, there's an album that's so overplayed, you cant get away with it. And, you know, even if you liked it, after the proliferation, it becomes ear poison forever" she explained as Mads groaned not being able to light the blunt

"What's really shocking is that you like INXS at all" Billy said tossing Mads his lighter, "You usually have such great taste. Just doesn't seem like your thing" he added passing the lighter to Petra

Mad's scoffed, "Michael Hutchence is every girls thing"

"Hey, uh, what are you smoking?" Marcus asked coming over looking at Petra who showed her cig, "Right, uh, got any weed?" he asked before the two looked at Mads, Marcus following and looking at her

"We only joy a wee nip of pollen" Lex said before tossing a glass bottle as it smashed, "But first thing in the morning, tres gauche" he added zipping his pants up

"Marucs just likes drugs, Lex, and you know who else does? Mads. She has all the weed you can dream of" Billy smiled looking at the blonde who rolled her eyes


"I like them too. Drugs are very cool" Lex nodded, "No one ever tells you that"

"You look like boiled asshole" Billy said looking at Marcus who made his way to Mads, "Yeah, i didnt sleep very well" he said as the bell rang

"Oh, well, you'll have to face the day dry, son. Easy does it. Let go and let God. One day at a time" Lex said before kissing Marcus and then slapping him

"Ignore him, here" Mads said handing Marcus the blunt, "You're a life saver" he said letting out a breath going to kiss her as she put her hand up

"No! That'll be like kissing Lex, not gonna happen" she smiled patting his chest before leaving

Poison Lab

"ICI expected VX pesticide would increase agricultural capacity. Instead, they discovered one of the deadliest poisons on the planet. Guess what the government did with this miracle innovation?" Mr. Denke asked looking at everyone

"Gee, Mr. Denke, they didnt use it on anyone, did they?" someone asked

"Boy howdy, did they? But what's really exciting is what they have planned. Uncle Sam is stockpiling this stuff. So are the Soviets. Why?"

"To finish off whoever's left after the nukes?" Petra asked glancing up at him, "Hey, you could slip some into Reagan's jelly beans, Marcus. You know, for when you kill the president" some kid joked

"Homework is to make a list of other synthetic poisons our overlords horde. Have a good weekend, future disruptors of America"

"Marcus, dont listen to them" Mads whispered walking by him in the hallways, "My gosh, is the Madison Lin talking to me the Marcus Lopez?" he gasped as she rolled her eyes

"Shut up. Ill see you in study hall" She smiled kissing his cheek before turning and leaving

Study Hall

Put on a smile. Act like this is all ok. That's how things become normal, right? You just live with it long enough. Pretend. Dont think about last night. What are you doing here? Life on the streets making a school for assassins seem like a rational choice, so sink into it. Let it be normal. Make some friends.

"Dude" Marucs called out catching someone's attention, "The the new "Love And Rockets?" Its so crazy great. I love the Hernandez brothers"

"Suck a dick, wannabe" he said cutting Marcus off as his smile fell, "Dont be a dick" Maddison said patting his head before going and sitting by Marcus

You wanted normal? You got it.

AP Black Arts

"-and then i shot him in the heart with an arrow, and then slit his throat to make sure he was really dead. Then rolled him into a tarp burned him and then threw the ashes into a river, and burned the tarp" Madison explained before going back and sitting in her seat

"Okay, Willie you're next"

"So i found this haggard-ass homeless lady who told me about this dude. Full hardcore. He was collecting memorabilia, like we learned about in class. So i waited for him, crept up on him. This dude, he was about to stab me with a screwdriver. And i found this pipe. I crushed that fool's head in. Dumpstered the body. Set it on fire, and got out of these" Willie lied, Mads snorted he didnt do shit but whine like a bitch the whole time

She looked over to Marcus to see his jaw clenched, and his fist balled. Willie put the toothpick back in his mouth before going back to his seat

"70% of solders dont pull the trigger in battle, no matter the stakes. The weak always choke in the face of killing. With fear of expulsion, all your hopes and dreams, all your frailly expectations, only one of you could do it, so we'll have a test-" Mater Lin spoke before slamming his cane on someone's desk as everyone jumped

"- a final chance to prove your worth. Survive and you earn a place here. Fail and you die. The weak do not belong in my school. Go. Get out of my sight" he said as everyone got up and left

"Willie, stay" Master Lin said stopping him, Mads knew she passed, but why would her dad make her take this test

"I had a guy, but i couldn't "

"Burning a package from my old man" Chico said, "My fault, baby. I should have done-"

"yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" Chico said cutting off Maria

Everyone looked over when all the sudden bars began to block the hallways, they were trapped.

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