Chapter 2: Lending a Hand

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(For the sake of simplicity, I'm gonna put n/a as the personal info.)
You scream at Lapis.
But it's too late, Jasper has regenerated, and has Lapis by her arm.
"You... Trapped me at the bottom of the ocean..!" Jasper yells at Lapis. "Time for payback... Is that a human?" She points at you. You freak out, as Jasper forms a helmet on her head.
"Run, n/a!" Lapis shouts at you. Jasper charges at you, holding lapis still. You dodge to the left, and Jasper crashes into a building. That was too close, you think to yourself. You start to see water rising behind you.
"Grab it!" You hear Lapis yell.
You grab the water, and it transforms into a Katana.
Jasper charges at you again, and you dodge to the right, while cutting the arm Jasper had Lapis by.
"Argh!" Jasper screams in pain and falls to the floor, letting Lapis go. You then do something that changes the entire situation.
You stab Jasper through the chest, making her poof. It's over, you think to yourself. It's over. Breath.
Lapis bubbles Jasper's gem.
"Are.. You okay?" Lapis asks.
"I should say that to you. Are you okay?" You ask her.
"Nothing too serious, just a few bruises. How about you?"
"I'm fine." You say, as a sharp pain cuts through your leg. You scream in pain. You look at your leg, and it's broken. Most likely when Jasper charged the second time.
" I'm sorry," Lapis says. "You wouldn't be hurt if you didn't meet me."
"Don't say that. It's fine, but how am I gonna tell my parents..?"
"I can heal your leg to the best of my ability. It's the least I could do, for saving me."
Your leg snaps into normal position, and you realize Lapis used her water powers to heal your leg.
"You really think so?" Lapis blushes.
Suddenly, you see a giant green... Hand? In the sky.
"What is THAT?" You ask Lapis.
"It's Peridot's ship..." She replies, scared. "I'm surprised you can see that, even Peridot's ship will take one more day to get here."
"Well, that gives us time to prepare."
"Well, I'm not going to let you do this alone."
"Why? You just met me..."
"But we're friends, right?"
Lapis is surprised.
"Friends have to be there for friends, and I'm your friend."
Lapis smiles at you, and blushes again.
"Your possibly the bravest human I've seen so far," Lapis tells you. You blush too at this remark.
"Alright, let's prepare."

A Blue Summer (Lapis x Male Reader) A Steven Universe fanficWhere stories live. Discover now