The Meeting!

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Simon is a silly little ginger minding his own business. But then he stares across the hall to see the most beautiful, most bright red, most amazing man named Greyson. "Oioioi!" Simon says to his friends, Chloe, Sarah and Kaiya. "What is it?!" Chloe says. "It's Greyson! The man that has the most bright red of booty cheeks ever!" Simon says in a very weird tone. "You should go and talk to him!" says Kaiya, slowly forcing Simon to go talk to Greyson. As Simon walks up to Greyson, Simon starts to feel a little bit of a tingle in his ding-a-long. "H-h-hhi g-g-gr-Greyson!" Simon says in a very nervous tone. "h-h-hey!" says Greyson, sounding a bit odd. "GREYSON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE TICKLE MY PICKLE IT IS TINGLING SO HARD BECAUSE OF YOU!" shouts Simon. Chloe, Sarah and Kaiya look at each other very astonished. "There's no way in hell Simon just said that—" Sarah says, very surprised. Greyson pauses, looks at simon blushing very hard. "I WOULD LOVE TO TICKLE YOUR PICKLE! LETS GO INTO THE BATHROOM SO I CAN TICKLE IT!!!!!" Greyson yells, looking very excited. Chloe, Sarah and Kaiya look at each other astonished again. "Ain't no way—" Chloe and Kaiya say at the same time. "Mama bear needs a diet coke after that one!" Chloe says laughing. After Greyson said that to Simon, They went into the bathroom.


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