Chapter 11

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The soft morning light painted a warm tapestry across the hotel room, its gentle hues gradually waking Ashley from the depths of sleep. As consciousness returned, so did the fragments of memories from the whirlwind of the previous night. And a pounding headache. A glance around the room confirmed the reality – she was in Jamie's hotel room. She was in Jamie's hotel room?!

Confusion etched across Ashley's face as she sat up, trying to piece together the events that led to this unexpected morning. The room, a silent witness to the unspoken dynamics between her and Jamie, seemed to hold the answers. She panicked. Oh god. Oh no. Did she sleep with Jamie last night? 

Just as Ashley's mind started to race, Jamie emerged from the bathroom, clad in nothing but a towel. Ashley's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and something else flickering in her gaze.

"Morning," Jamie greeted, oblivious to the whirlwind of thoughts in Ashley's mind.

"Morning," Ashley replied, blushing as her voice carrying an undertone of uncertainty. "Did we...?"

Jamie, sensing the direction of her question, interrupted, "No, Ash. We didn't sleep together. I slept on the couch."

A visible wave of relief washed over Ashley, her tense shoulders easing as she exhaled. 

"Oh thank God! I was so worried.." she chuckled, running a hand through her tousled hair. She trailed off as she fully took in Jamie shirtless. Damn, he had a nice body. Her mind went blank as she failed to finish her sentence. She quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be more interested in straightening the bedsheet than in the shirtless Jamie. Jamie, assuming she was just hungover, just nodded politely. 

A mixture of relief, confusion and for some reason a hint of disappointment washed over Ashley. The haze of the previous night began to settle, revealing a clearer picture. As Jamie recounted the events leading to this morning (purposefully leaving out the cheek kiss), Ashley felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She hadn't done anything too stupid, so that was good. Her and Jamie's friendship had weathered the storm of the night, and the boundaries remained intact. Her relationship with Grayson however, could be disheveled. 

As the room embraced the morning light, the shadows of the consequences from last night crept in. Ashley's phone buzzed with a flurry of texts from Grayson. The notifications, like an impending storm, carried the weight of unspoken ramifications. 


-Where the hell are you?

-I've been trying to reach you all night.

-This is ridiculous, Ashley. Call me back. We really need to talk . 


-[Attachment: 1 Image]

-My publicist sent this to me. She says she can hold it from the press for a while. What the fuck?

-Did you cheat on me last night?

-Get here. Now. 

Ashley's brows furrowed as she scrolled through the messages. She could sense the growing frustration and anger in Grayson's words.

Jamie, now dressed, observed her reaction. "Trouble in paradise?"

Ashley sighed and glancing up from her phone, not wanting to reveal to Jamie the effect he had on Grayson said plainly, "Yeah, you could say that. I should go."

Jamie called Ashley a car and made sure she got in safely. He waved to her as the driver sped off towards the Grayson's house. Ashley felt a mix of emotions—guilt, frustration, and a lingering uncertainty. 

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