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   My name is Serina Night, the vampire who wanted peace between the vampire and human kind. I'm also the very first vampire to become a Goddess. You might be wondering how the hell that happened, well a lot. I ended up finding out my grandmother, who is part of the vampire council, is an Elemental like myself. We have the power to control the elements. Fire, earth, water, air, ice, spirit, love, and galaxy. That's how I met my wonderful husband Kyle. All the elements have their own human forms. They ended up becoming some of my closest friends. Kyle and I became bonded so he could keep his powers and we fell in love. My brother and sister, Josh and Tracy, are Elementals as well. they control water and ice. I ended up finding them when my memory had returned. I lost it when I was turned into a vampire at the age of ten. It turned out my father was a vampire and my mother was a human. That made all of us half-human half-vampire. Josh and Tracy had asked me change them into full vampires, so I did. I was so happy to have my family back. My Aunt Janice and Uncle Dillen, who disowned me when I thought they were my parents, ended up apologizing and I forgave them. Family is family and we all make mistakes. My cousins, Matthew, Tyron, and Kyle are also part of the Elementals. They control fire, earth, and air. They helped me a lot through my journey. With everyone's help I ended up becoming the strongest Elemental vampire alive. It's also how I became a Goddess. My fight with Dagon made me do something no other Elemental was able to do successfully, summon the Gods and Goddess. With their help I was able to send Dagon and his demons back to hell and close the gate forever. Since then my family, Kyle and I all moved to a town named Celestial Shores. That's where Kyle and I got married. After the Gods and Goddess' gave me the gift of becoming the Goddess of Spirit, it was a lot of going back and forth between earth and heaven. Life got better after the move though and that's what made me the happiest. Until one day things started to change.

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