The Falsely Accused Cop - Part 4

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Sau Tai-Fu hopped over a fence down into a small river.

"Sau Tai-Fu!"

Jihyo stood at the fence and began shooting down at him.

He rolled against some rocks to avoid the shots before firing back up at her.

She ducked down and continued firing but her shots kept missing. 

He sprung up and fired at her which made her trip over. He took this opportunity to run.

Jihyo got up and aimed precisely at him before firing. Her shot hit him in the back of the shoulder.

He spun around and shot back at her while still running.

Jihyo hopped over the fence and down to the river, chasing after him but he got away.


Sau Tai-Fu struggled as he escaped through a field of long grass. That when he found a fence in his way.

He fired his gun at the fence to create an opening but he ran out of bullets. 

He dropped the gun and pulled out his knife. He sliced through the fence and squeezed through. The fence tore off some of he's clothes and skin.

"Sau Tai-Fu!"

He turned around to see Jihyo on the other side pointing her gun at him.

As Jihyo ran over, he kicked down an electric post which fell against the fence.

The electricity stopped Jihyo from getting over.

She pointed her gun at him with pure anger to the point where her hands were shaking.

"What's wrong? What are you doing over there? Come and arrest me! You were very brave fifteen years ago. Have you lost all your courage in jail? Come on!"

"Shut up!"

"What? You wanna shoot me? Here!"

Sau Tai-Fu tossed his knife away.

"I have no weapon. If you open fire right now, you're commiting an illegal murder"

"Don't be complacent! The stone statue has your blood stain on it, which proves that you killed lawyer Fung and his wife! You can't escape!"

"Yeah I went into the house. I went in to steal things. I accidently hurt myself and left behind a blood stain. So what? Does that mean I killed them? I think you're more like a murderer than I am!"

"You are the real murderer!", Jihyo got closer with her gun.

"I'm not afraid to admit that I killed both the couple and the cop. I even almost killed that damn girl! So what? Do you have evidence? Ah, you seem to have had a witness named Mr Kim. How is he? Is he dead yet?"

"You scum!", Jihyo grit her teeth.

"I'm afraid he's dead too. Only you and I know the truth. No one else knows!" 

He laughed and mocked Jihyo as he walked away.


"What now? I have nothing else to say to you"

He turned around and walked towards the fence.

"Take one more step and I'll shoot!"

"Shoot me. If you think I have caused you to go to jail for 15 years, shoot me. If you're still bearing a grudge against me, shoot me!! But don't forget... I have no weapon. If you shoot, it's murder. You'll have to sit in prison for 15, 25 or even 50 years. Don't say I caused it then"

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