Geez i just had a question (Lance POV)

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⚠️Trigger warning- Contains panic attack⚠️

I walked into the training deck and who would have guessed. Mr. Mullet himself was training. "Oí, Mullet, you were so persistent to get me to breakfast and yet you don't even show up yourself. What's up with that?" I ask him impatiently. He glares daggers at me.

Keith ends his level and looks at me and says, "I woke you up because you take forever to get ready and I don't feel like listening to another one of Allura's lectures." I smirk, "Aw does someone care for me." If looks could kill i would be much farther than 6 feet under right now.

Keith walks out of the training area and I sigh. I decide to go back to breakfast. As I am walking I get a cold chill up my spine and my head starts hurting. I think what could be happening and then it hit me. I FORGOT TO TAKE MY FREAKING ANTI-DEPRESSANTS TODAY! Shoot. I change directions and head to my room instead. Once I get to my room I start looking around for the anti-depressants only to find an empty bottle. I start panicking then I get dizzy and fall to my knees. No, no, no, this can't be happening I thought I had at least one more.

My chest starts to feel tight and I knew I was about to have a panic attack. So, I tried to take deep breaths but with each attempt I felt it getting harder and harder to breathe. The world was getting dark. I'm scared, am I going to die, I don't want to die. I want to see my family again, feel their embrace. I also haven't told him my feelings yet.

As these thoughts run rampant through my head I slowly start to lose consciousness until the world was only black.

Fake it till you Make it (a Klance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now