Chapter 3

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He lays me on his bed and takes mine and his shirts off. He kisses my neck causing me to let out a slight moan. He slides my pants off and then his. He puts the condom on then looks me in the eye.

S: You're a virgin right?
Me: Y-yea
S: This may hurt but only for a little.

I nod a bit as he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him.

S: Tell me if I hurt you.
Me: Okay

He's ready to enter my little sanctuary when I stop it.

Me: I can't do this
S: What?
Me: I can't do this.

I sit up as I repeated myself

S: What do you mean?
Me: I. Can't. Do this.
S: Why?

I grab my shirt and put it on then I grab my underwear and pants and slide them back on.

Me: Because I don't want to be used by some fuckboy from my school.
S: I'm not a fuckboy Sabrina.
Me: Yes you are.
S: No I'm not.

I get up and walk to the door.

Me: I gotta go. Bye.
S: Sabr-

I run down the stairs and out the front door and begin to walk home. When I get there I go to my room and I get a text from Sammy.


S: Sabrina I wasn't using you.
Me: Sure you weren't.
S: I wasn't.
Me: Bye Sam see you in school.
S: Sabrina you can't just  push me away
Me: Byeeeee

End of texts

I turn my phone off and lay down. I was just about to lose my virginity to a fuckboy. Thank God I didn't. I'm so stupid ughh.

Next day

Lyric and I walk to Bella's house. Bella opens the door.

B: Did you do it?
Me: Do what?
L: the nasty
Me: No

I cringe and cross my arms.

Me: are you kidding? I'm not losing my virginity to a fuckboy that's gonna move onto the next girl the next day.
B+L: I don't believe you
Me: Guys I'm a virgin and its staying that way.
B: Did he hurt you?
L: do we need to beat his ass?
Me: I'd like for you guys to beat the fuckboy outta him
L: on it

We laugh and start walking to school.

B: Today's Friday. what are you guys doing over the weekend?
L+Me: Nothing why?
B: I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to the beach with me and Jack.
L: Jack?
Me: Gilinsky?
B: Yea!

Lyric and I squeal basically ruin all of our ear drums causing us to get strange looks.

Me: You guys are a thing right?
B: duh

We reach the school and Bella stops us before going in.

B: So? Beach or not?
Me+L: Absolutely

We go into the school and go to our lockers which are right next to each other luckily. My locker is on the end Lyric's is in the middle and Bella's is on the other end. I grab my stuff from my locker then it slams shut. I jump back a bit then I look over and see Sammy. I roll my eyes.

Me: What could you possibly want?
S: You
Me: No. Back off. I said I don't want to be used by some fuckboy that's never payed any fucking attention to me until the day he ran out of girls to screw.
S: Sabrina I'm not a fuckboy
Me: Yea you are
B: You are a little
Me: A little?
L: A lottle
Me: See
S: I'm not a fuckboy. What the actual fuck.
Me: Only a fuckboy would say that
S: Why are you making this so hard?
Me: because you tried fucking me when you don't you even know my last name.
S: Rivera..?
Me: Seriously? No. A Sabrina Rivera doesn't even go here.
S: Shit.
Me: Bye.

I start walking away when he grabs my wrist turning me around.

Me: What?!
S: What can I do to prove it?
Me: Nothing because you can't!
S: Why are you so fucking difficult?
Me: Because I've been hurt one time too many and I can't go through that shit again. I don't want to fall for a dipshit like you. 
S: who said you'll even fall for me?
Me: that's all you gotta say? You really are a selfish asshole just like Skate said.
S: You know what? Skate never loved you. He never will. He never did. He used you for what he wanted and he didn't get it so he dumped you.

I stand there in plain shock. I don't know if it was true or not but it hurt either way. I jerk my arm out of his grip as tears fill my eyes. I slap him and the whole hallway look at us. I walk out of the school. I ran home and through the front door then my dad grabs me.

Dad: What's wrong?
Me: let me go!
Dad: Was it Skate again?
Me: No. Let me go.
Dad: What is wrong?
Me: Nothing!

I get out of his grip and run upstairs to my room. I slam my door and go to my closet. I sit in the back of my it cradling my knees bawling my eyes out. I stay there and grab my earbuds from my pocket and put on music and fall asleep.

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