Chapter 20

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Here I am, thinking of cheating on a cheater. Why didn't I think of this with Sam? Anyway I look over out the window and see Cody still eating the girls neck I take a picture for evidence. So I get change into my black matching lace bra and underwear. I grab my rope and go downstairs. I stop at the door and remember what Sam said.

Backdoor, Fence unlocked, backdoor unlocked. What am I doing?

I go out the back door and look at the girl's house. I cringe to see Cody taking his shirt off then hers. I make my way through the fence, and to his back door. Its locked.

To: Sam
Unlock the fucking door dipshit

From: Sam
Wait you're here?

To: Sam
Just open the door Sam it's pretty cold out here

Next thing I know I see him running down the stairs in nothing but sweatpants. He stops at the last step then walks over to door unlocking it.

S: I thought you weren't coming
Me: shut up

I push him in closing the door. I lock it. I grab his face and I crash our lips together. Our lips moving in sync like last time. He tickles my side a bit making me open my mouth. As soon as my mouths open he shoves his tongue in my mouth colliding with mine fighting for dominance.

His hands find my waist and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and deepen the kiss. He brings pulls away and starts walking up the stairs.

I miss this. I miss us. But he fucked up. It hurts, it does and I'll never be able to forget that. My thoughts were interrupted when I'm being layed onto a bed. When I got layed down my robe flies open causing him to stop in his tracks.

His eyes and hands travel my body for about 2 minutes before I grab his hands and bring his face to me.

Me: Take me daddy. I need you.

That is when his breathing picks up pace. He grabs my hips and brings me closer to him. He starts kissing my neck and whispers.

S: Oh baby I missed you

His words sent tingles through my body. I wave of joy goes through my body. Did he really mean that? I need to find out. I slowly push him away.

S: I mean it Sabrina. What I did was wrong. And if I ever got you back I'd never do it to you again. I can't forgive myself for it. And I know you can't and probably won't either but is there by any chance you can be mine again?

I have to process what was just said. I want to cry but I couldn't let myself. I just look at him for a bit. I slightly nod and his face lights up.

Me: now shut up and continue.

He chuckles and goes back to kissing my neck. It makes me let out a slight moan. Then my phone starts to ring. Sam looks at it and sighs.

S: it's Cody

I sigh and grab it. I answer it.

Me: Hello?
C: Hey baby where are you?
Me: I went out for a walk
C: oh ok, no note? Anything
Me: what do you mean
C: Where are you?
Me: I'm walking, Cody
C: Oh really?
Me: yes
C: whatever, I'll be over Sam's
Me: uh ok

My eyes widen and so do Sam's.

C: I'll talk to you later love you bye
Me: Bye
C: your not going to say -

I hang up. I sit up immediately closing my robe. Sam grabs my arm and brings me downstairs. And that's when Cody knocks. Sam mumbles under his breath.

S: Can I see you tomorrow?

I nod and quickly kiss him before running outback. I stop at the fence and wait for Sam to let Cody in. I hear them talking and I make my way back into me and Cody's house. I run to the room and put on some clothes.

I'm confronting Cody when he gets home.


A couple hours pass and Cody is finally back. He looks at me as I'm sitting on the bed.

C: Hey baby
Me: Why won't you have sex with me?
C: Because I don't want to hurt you
Me: Hurt me how?
C: pop you're cherry. Shit like that.
Me: Cody, im not a virgin
C: Okay sorry I'll make sure for next time.
Me: How was Mandy? (Neighbor)
C: what?
Me: I saw you over there basically eating her.
C: I wasn't over her house
Me: Bullshit

I show him the picture.

C: Fuck
Me: why would you do it?
C: because you wouldn't give me anything. I dropped hints that I wanted you. You pushed them away.
Me: No Cody, I dropped hints. So many. Also. How can you be so stupid?
C: what are you talking about?
Me: Sam.
C: What about him?
Me: he's my fucking ex!
C: No he's not, that was Sam what's his face
Me: Sam Wilkinson, bleach blonde hair, brown eyes, killer jawline.
C: Killer? Excuse me?
Me: Oh yea I wasn't walking I was over Sam's
C: I knew it! You're such a whore!
Me: I'M a whore?! Yea okay you fucking asshole!

I stand up and push him back.

C: don't put your fucking hands on me!
Me: Fuck you!

Then I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and I'm now on the ground.

I look up to see Cody putting his hand down with a furious face. Tears stream down my cheeks. I get up and walk out holding my cheek. As I walk out of the house I hear Cody running down the stairs.

C: Sabrina! Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!

I just keep walking and slam the door behind me. I reluctantly walk over to Sam's while holding my wet, red cheek. I knock on his door pretty hard not meaning to. I see him peek his head through the curtains and give me a confused look.

When he opens the door my nose is overwhelmed with a cologne I've never smelt on him.

S: What's going on? What happened? Why is your li-
Me: H-he h-hit me..

I can see the anger thriving through his body and into his eyes. It's a look I've never seen before. It made my body slightly tremble in fear. He pulls me in by my arm softly.

S: Go sit on the couch. I'll be right back.

I do what he says not wanting him mad at me. As soon as I sit on the couch, he walks out. I run over to the window to see Sam banging on the door. He goes inside and I see no sight of him or Cody, I just hear yelling from Sam. I've never seen Sam act like this before. It terrifies me I had no clue what he was doing to Cody but I can that it isn't good.

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