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Sitting with Becca outside at the fountain at night "I don't like them somethings off" I say looking up at the sky

"I know but Alec keeps trying to convince me it's nothing" Becca answers.

I shake my head tapping my foot on the ground "No it's something I just can't understand yet it's like something is blocking my copied skills with them, I just feel twitchy they always seem out of place the others don't even Athenodora I can tell she's just tolerating me it feels like shes doubtful I'm Jane's mate, I don't think she dislikes me personally just more worried about me hurting Jane but them. I just know they hated us the moment we were announced as Jane and Alec's mate, I don't like the feeling I get from them it's like the Cullens just knowing not to trust them".

"Chelsea was looking at them weirdly like she couldn't figure something out but then seemed
perfectly happy, I didn't trust the sudden change it felt off like Rose when she was around Jasper"

I nod looking down "No one will listen to us about this here all their emotions seem off and shift too often to be normal even Aro, something about his constant giddiness seems forced but I can tell it's two different things doing it, one is Didyme but hers doesn't feel wrong like it's trying to control him the other is overwhelming in forcing changes going from Giddy to maniacal giddy".

"Cauis's mood feels wrong too I feel like he should be more like Harry, Gruff, and not very affectionate but not this hateful burn-the-world feeling he has"

"Jane has been off since being here it looked like she was going to believe me about feeling like Felix and Corin are bad, then her eyes glazed over and she brushed off what I said" I whisper.

"Alec did too so What should we do?" Becca asks.

"Convince our mates we want to explore the world together the leaders will let us go together in hopes of making our bond stronger with our mates, maybe getting them further away from
whatever is controlling them would snap the control and they will think clearly".

Heading in we split up and I shiver feeling my mood skyrocket again, skipping down the halls I stop at a room marked archives shrugging I skip in seeing books and Scrolls everywhere.

"What are you doing in here?"

Looking at Athenodora I smile moving closer to her and latch onto her arm "What's all this

"Our history now let go" she orders yanking her arm free.

I giggle looking at her before walking around and looking at the large book on the table "What's this?" I ask.

"Coven lists and territory to keep track of numbers and locations"

Nodding I flip threw the recent updates reading everything "This is so cool".

Quickly reading the last page the book slams closed "Do not mess with it" I frown knowing she could have closed it much faster, before I finished the updates.

"Get out" she orders.

I shrug moving to leave "I like you" I say laughing as I leave the room.

Skipping off I giggle poking random vampires as I pass them reaching the throne room, I move to Cauis sitting down on the arm of his Throne.

"What" he growls.

"Becca, Leah, and I want to go explore the world" I say pouting.

"Your mates are here"

"Yes, but we have wanted to see the world, learn all we can, other Vampires have gotten to do it
already" I huff.

"You two can not go alone you're newborns" he growls clenching his fists.

"So we can ask Mom and Dad to come with us" I say nodding.

4 hours later

Jane leads me to the throne room stepping in I look around seeing my whole family including
Gianna and the leaders with almost all the guards but Corin and Felix are not in the room.

"Isabella, Rebecca, and Leah you have expressed interest in traveling and exploring the world many vampires before they joined us have had time to do this, unfortunately, two of you are newborns and can not do this alone" Aro says smiling at us.

Athenodora rolls her eyes "I think they should go, their coven should return to the States, their
mates shall accompany them on their travels and Gianna shall join them and return once changed after they have finished exploring".

"You want to send Jane and Alec out for however long they explore?" Aro demands glaring at her.

"Yes, they have been here since they changed only leaving for missions they have mates now
and deserve time to experience life with their mates, without having to be ready to go off on
missions" she says glaring at Aro "The privet jet is ready and waiting, your luggage has already been sent ahead now leave" she orders.

Turning we all leave getting into the SUVs and taking off for the airport once we reach it and get on the jet to take off I frown looking at Becca who frowns nodding.

I know something is off Athenodora overruled Aro and ordered us away to explore with our mates, after letting me read where all the covens are she ordered Gianna to be changed I feel like she knew what Becca and I planned.

Landing in Seattle, Gianna leaves ahead of us as everyone pulls on jackets covering our bodies and heads shuffling out, she pulls up with a van and we quickly get in before she pulls off

"Where too?"

"I guess Port Angeles, Heidi had our cars held we can pick them up and head back to Alaska, change you, take a few days to let you settle then send you all off" Victoria says calmly.

"Oh, who will change me?" She asks smiling.

"I'll do it since I will be traveling with you all" Tanya says calmly.

"We need phones if you all plan to run around the world exploring so we can keep in contact" Irina says.

Gianna nods pulling up to a Walmart "I can run in and get them".

Irina nods handing her a card "Don't worry about the price just get four phones and the year plan
for them".

She nods getting out after a while she comes out with the bag and gets in "I had them set up the phones while I was there" she says handing them over to Irina with her card.

Taking off again we head to get the cars before following Gianna to return the van.

Arrival in Alaska

Getting in the house I see Irina lead Gianna off to shower and Tanya head to a guest room,
jogging after her I pull the blankets off the bed folding them up as she finds clothes "Are you
okay with changing her?" I ask.

"I've been around over a thousand years Bella I've never changed anyone, but yes I'm okay with it she's 28 and has been there since she was 18 waiting for someone to agree"

I nod closing the door knowing she's had it set up to block vampire hearing outside the room as long as you don't raise your voice.

"Tanya something is wrong with the Volturi, someone else is controlling everything not the

"I was around when they changed Bella I know something is off Aro is not how he was
neither is Cauis"

"We are going to someone older than them" I whisper.

She frowns looking at me "Older than them?"

"The Amazon coven they have been around since before them" hearing someone coming I stop talking and act like I'm smoothing out the sheets as the door opens letting Gianna come in wearing a robe.

Tanya hands her the clothes she found and nudges me to the door "Go on so I can change her".

Nodding I move to the door looking back at Gianna "See you soon" I say smiling before leaving and closing the door behind me.

"They went out to find someone for her to eat" Leah says sitting down by Becca I nod moving over and sitting down with them.

Hearing Gianna start screaming I sigh tilting my head back "Now we wait" I mumble seeing Jane and Alec are in the backyard looking off into the distance.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now