Chapter 16: Empty Playbook

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This is a bad idea– a really, really bad idea. But I have to go along with it because, technically, it was my idea. And I've already promised her I would. When I think about it, it's not really that big of a deal. I still don't want to date anyone– that I'm sticking to. So as long as that doesn't change, what's the problem?

The problem is I don't think Parker realizes how hot she is, and honestly, I wish I didn't realize it, either. Now I have to pretend I don't get a rush of anxiety every time I see her, and even more, I have to pretend I'm into her while pretending to not actually be into her. Helluva mind game if you ask me.

But right now I just have to focus on hitting our forwards as hard as I can while we go through two v. twos. Even though there's not really any need to hit them, it's helping me a lot more than letting them skate around us, and Coach Sullivan is loving it. He keeps yelling encouragement at me to which Coach Cane, our assistant coach and mentor of reason, keeps combating.

My eyes light up when Anderson steps up next. I don't care that he's bigger and taller than me, I just want to hit him. I slide into Chris' spot forcing him over into mine so that I'm lined up with Anderson as he skates down. He rids himself of the puck by passing it to Wheels, but I don't care. I skate toward him and wipe him off his feet as if he's still got possession of the puck. My chest fills with satisfaction as I hear the rest of the team gasp when Dylan hits the ice, his long legs sprawled out.

After practice, I don't go to mine and Chris' corner of the locker room. I already know he's standing there waiting to lecture me about being a bad teammate, and honestly, I don't give a fuck about that right now. Dylan fucking Anderson has never treated me with the qualities of a good teammate, so why should I do the same? Besides, he deserved to be thrown on his ass, and by the way everyone keeps glancing at him and smirking, I'd say I'm not the only one who thinks so. Instead I head over to where Wrenny and Wheels are changing.

Chris and I have plans to hang out with Parker and Ashley tonight, so while I change I prepare myself for a night of fake-real flirting. I thought about faking an illness to get out of it, that's how nervous I am. Nervous that I'll give up mine and Parker's game, and nervous that I'll do something stupid and Parker will find out what I really think of her.

Fuck it. Maybe it'll be fine and everything will work out. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Chris and I take our own cars to Lucy's Diner, and I get there first because he offered to pick them up. I guess neither of them have cars. I sit in my car with my head leaned back against my seat and my eyes closed until Chris finally pulls up beside me. Someone opens my door and pulls on my arm until I open my eyes and realize it's Parker.

"Come on, sleepy head. Let's eat."

Fuck me. She's wearing baggy jeans and a really tight black long sleeve top that advertises her breasts really well, and when I step out and notice she's slightly taller than usual, I look down to see black boots with thick heels peeking out from her jeans. She's got the two front pieces of her hair pulled back into those French braids that girls always wear which fit her so well my mouth gapes open slightly.

As we walk into Lucy's Diner I wonder if this is what she looks like when she's trying. She's not wearing makeup that I can notice except for shiny pink lip gloss and what has to be mascara because I don't remember her eyelashes being that long and curled. But either way, when I've seen her in the past she hadn't been wearing any of that, and her hair had been left untouched. That only makes me realize how naturally beautiful she is.

We take a seat at a booth, and I slide in next to Chris so we're sitting across from our respective dates. Parker smiles at me and winks, and I take it to mean she's ready for some serious acting. I smile right back at her as if to say game on.

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