Chapter 1: Vampire in Naruto?!

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Disclaimer: All the characters belong to kishimoto masashi.

Only Tsukiko belongs to me!

Chapter 1

~Tsukiko's POV~

"Wait! No! Don't...." That was all I could say before I fell into darkness. I witnessed my own clan being murdered in front of me as I was attacked by bloodthirsty monsters. Deformed and deranged, they came right at me, rushing in at such a high speed. I had no time to react and pain enveloped me. My attackers most probably left me there to die. Because when I woke up, I was all alone in my empty village, dead bodies were lying everywhere. I felt tears streaming out of my eyes when I saw the bodies of all my family, friends and the villagers.

Why didn't I die together with them? Why is fate playing such a cruel joke on me? Why is god so unfair? Why am I the last one standing?

My heart clenched at the sight of my family's bodies. It was just yesterday when my family and I were playing in the forest but now...

I took a deep breath and the rancid smell of rotting flesh and blood of my family and the animals in the forest hit me, causing me to gag.   I tried to focus on my hearing and I could hear the sound of the snakes slithering in the forest, fluttering wings of the birds in the trees. Everything within my vision was so clear, it seemed surreal. The silence was deafening, the feeling you get when blood rushes to your head blocking out every other sound. That was when I realized, I had no heart beat despite my panicked state.

It dawned on me that I was changed during the attack. I'm a vampire. I became the very thing my clan used to shun. Vampires were despised because of their need for human blood to survive. It was the fact that vampires had to kill another to ensure their own survival that created tension between them and the clan as our clan was built upon ideals of peace and love. Thus we tried not to associate ourselves with vampires. However that did not mean that we were ignorant of their power. It only meant that we were all the more wary as ignorance would prove to be perilous. We were always cautious to maintain good relations with them. But seeing as how I was changed, I would assume that I was saved by a vampire. Those deranged monsters that attacked us could not have been vampires as vampires had exquisite features to complement their hunting style. The motive of the attack is still a blur. The vampire saved me. But why?

"This means that there might be survivors from the village too." I thought.

It could have saved someone else. I may not be alone.

I walked around the village in an attempt to look for survivors or anyone that it may have saved but sadly I found nothing. It was only right that I buried the bodies of my family and clansmen. They did not deserve such a horrific death. They were all people of peace and hope, they preached about believing in the dawn of an era of unity, where all the different clans would come together despite their differences to be a part of something greater than themselves.

Using the knowledge from my clan's research on vampires, I knew that super strength and inhumane speed came with being a vampire. It was no surprise that I finished burying everyone in about an hour, at the same time picking some flowers to place it on their graves. The smell of dried blood mixed with the fragrance of flowers, brought the tears i had been keeping at bay to the corners of my eyes. I would allow myself to mourn as I furiously wiped away the tears that came falling down. I paid my last respects to the clan and swore on their graves that I'll avenge their deaths when I become more powerful. I will find their murderer and unearth the truth.

"I'm sorry. mom... dad... I won't be able to uphold our ideals at peace and love until I bring your murderer to justice. I love you. I will give you the justice you deserve."

Vampire in Naruto?!Where stories live. Discover now