Descendants 4: Rise of red

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The queen of hearts: Now that your under my command take down this barrier. Fairy godmother: As u wish your majesty. *Maleficent does her evil laugh* Finally we are off the isle. Uma sees what's happening and goes and breaks the spell on Mal, Eve, Jay and Carlos. They see what's happening. Mal: We need Ben and Fairy godmother to help us out here.

Uma breaks the spell on them. Ben: What the hell is happening here. How did the barrier come down. All the villain's are attacking everyone we need to stop this. Mal: The only way we can stop this is if I had my spell book. Fairy godmother: Mal lets go get your spell book out of the museum and stop this chaos. They get to the museum and see Annabelle has the spell book. Annabelle: looking for this Malie. Sorry it's mine now. *Annabelle does her evil laugh* Then disappears in a puff of red smoke.

Fairy godmother: Bippity boppity what just happened. Annabelle: U should know Fairy godmother mother. My mother and I are taking over Auradon. Ben: Not on my watch. Annabelle: Oh benny boo don't u get it all of u hero's are gonna pay for what u did to the villains in the past. No matter how hard u try to stop us it's not gonna be good enough. Mal and Uma transform. Annabelle: Oh lady's don't u realize that's not going to scare me. I'm more powerful then both of u. Harry takes Izzy away for the others to talk to her privately. Harry: Izzy I've like u ever since the moment I first saw u. Izzy: If u really like me then come back to the evil side and join me. Harry join Izzy and her gang.

Annabelle whispers to Izzy to distract Mal. *Izzy distracts Mal* Annabelle takes the ember out of Mals pocket. Annabelle: Maly don't you realize I don't only have your spell book but I have your dads ember. Mal: How the hell did you get the ember. Annabelle: How do you think bitch. Mal: No wonder they left your ass on the isle your just like your mother. Annabelle: I'm not doing this for my mother. I'm doing it to prove her wrong and hades wrong. Mal: What you mean when you said hades?Annabelle: I'm your half sister bitch. Mal: Bitch fuck you.

Wait your my what? Annabelle: Your heard me Mal. How do you think I can control the ember to. *Hair flames as she uses the ember* Mal and the other vks say what the hell bitch. Annabelle tells her back story of how her mom and hades met. {TIME SKIP} Annabelle: Now do you believe me Mal. Mal: Wtf. I'm going to have a talk with hades were is he at. Annabelle: Are you blind bitch he's right over there. Mal goes and talks to her dad. Mal: dad! Again a another sister.

Hades explains everything and leaves nothing out this time. {TIME SKIP} Annabelle listens in to the conversation between Mal and Hades. Annabelle: Now do you believe me Mal. Mal: Ya I do now. Annabelle: You should have believe me from the start Malie. Mal: I needed to see for myself first. Harry: Woo woo lady's stop fighting u three are sister. Annabelle and Mal and Izzy say Harry stay out of it! Harry kisses Izzy to make Uma mad. Uma storms off.

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