Descendants 4: Rise of red

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Mal talks to Uma. Mal: Uma what's wrong? Uma: I can't believe Harry would betray me like that. Man I thought he was one of my best friends. Uma said that while crying. Annabelle sees Uma crying. Annabelle: Uma, why are you crying? Uma: Its because Harry left me for Izzy. Annabelle: Oh, Uma, I'm sorry that happened to you. But I know there's someone else out there for you. Uma: I don't know how I felt about Harry we had a moment the over day but I guess I was wrong. Annabelle: Well, I'm hopeful that you will find someone, one day, someone will be there for you when you need them to be there. Uma: I have a idea we should get back at them by making jay fell in love with you.

Well I know you like him so why not. Annabelle: Isn't Jay with that Lonnie girl? Uma: Yeah so what. What's wrong with it Mal did the same thing didn't she. Annabelle: So, I don't want to hurt her feelings by stealing her man from her. Uma: You have a another way to get back at them? Annabelle: No, but still I'm not going to hurt either of them by doing that to them. Uma: Wait isn't that Lonnie and Jay over there arguing. Mal: Yeah I think they are. Annabelle: Yeah, but why are they arguing with each other? Mal: We should listen in to what they are saying. Uma: I was just think that. Annabelle: What should we do about them fighting? Mal and Uma: I don't know lets just hear what's happening first.

They listen in to the fight. Lonnie: Jay are you cheating on me? Jay: No! Lonnie: Well then what's going on with you and that Annabelle girl then huh! Jay: Nothing is going on she's just a friend damn! Jay: What can I not have friend's now. Lonnie: Yes you can. Jay: Well it don't seem like it. Lonnie: If you don't stop seeing her we are over. Jay: LET ME DO IT FOR YOU WE ARE OVER LONNIE BYE! Annabelle: LONNIE, WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROMLEM WITH ME, HUH?! I DIDN'T DO NOTHING TO YOU!? Lonnie: NOTHING I JUST KNOW SOMTHING IS GOING ON WITH YOU TWO BEHIND MY BACK ANNABELLE HADES DAMN! Annabelle: LONNIE, YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE JAY DOES, ME AND HIM I'VE BEEN THERE FOR EACH OTHER, EVER SINCE WE WERE KIDS, SO, DON'T TRY ME?!

Jay: GIRLS STOP! Annabelle can I talk to you real quick. Lonnie: What ever bye ASSHOLES I'm leaving. Ben: Fairy godmother put her on the isle. Lonnie: wait what? Ben: YOU HEARD ME! Get her out of my site. Fairy godmother put her on the isle. Everyone: Bye bitch. Annabelle: So, Jay, what do you want to talk about? Jay: I have loved you since we got off the isle I just didn't know how to tell you. Jay said what with a nervous voice. Annabelle: Jay, you can tell me anything you want, I don't mind it and I won't judge you. Jay gets down on one knee in front of everyone and pulls out a ring Annabelle Rose Hades will you marry me. Annabelle: Hell yes, I will! Uma turns into a octopus again and gets all the villains and puts them back on the isle. Mal uses her spell book to put back up the barrier. Fairy godmother uses her wand to fix all of Auradon. They live happy ever after.


Descendants 4: Rise of red Where stories live. Discover now