Part 11

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Now Wangji was in his house. He was repeatedly looking towards the door of the house in case Weiying might return. But Weiying had no idea where he lived.

Weiying, on the other hand, was wondering what excuse he could make so that Wangji would not be angry with him.

But he doesn't understand anything. Then he makes a plan to enter Wangji's house at midnight.

It is evening, Wei was standing at the back side of Wangji's house, looking towards Wangji's room. The room light was off. It was twelve o'clock at night.

Wangji was tossing and turning on the bed because he couldn't sleep. It had been two days since he saw a glimpse of Wei.

Wangji gets up from the bed. He felt that wei were around him. Wangji goes straight and stands near the window. The moonlight was shining outside. He looks towards the sky. But then slowly he starts hearing sounds. Like someone is hanging with a pipe.

Weiying was trying to quickly reach Wangji's room through the pipe without making a sound. But Wangji senses his weiying from a distance. he came to know that this Weiying was definitely his future husband. No one else can do such things except him.

In his mind Wangji becomes very happy that Wei has come.  Wangji waits for Wei to approach the window.

As soon as wei approaches the window. Wangji suddenly pulls Wei inside by his collar. And with one blow he throws Wei on the bed.

Wangji comes over Wei and places his lips on his lips and starts kissing him. He also opens the buttons of Wei's shirt. Or in other words, he tears his shirt from the front.

Weiying is suddenly shocked. Because Wangji had done everything so quickly that he did not get a chance to think and understand anything.

Wangji stops while kissing and suddenly takes off Wei's trousers. And again in one fell swoop turns Wei upside down on the bed. Now Wei was on his stomach on top of the bed. And from behind, Wangji starts hitting Wei's butt with his hand.

Once the butt is slapped, a sound comes out of wei's mouth. Then, one after the other, one after the other, the caste falls on the wei's butt. And the sound of aahh uhhhh starts being heard from Wei's mouth.

Wangji stops after about 15 slaps on Wei's butt. Then he takes off his clothes within a second.

Wei tries to get up, but Wangji holds both of his hands tightly and ties them to the bed in front of his head. Wei just keeps trying to free himself.

Weiying: Wangji, have you gone mad? Open my hand.

But Wangji was in no mood to listen to Wei today. He simply puts tape on Wei's mouth. Then it comes directly above the butt of the wei. He opens his butt cheeks and puts his mouth on his hole.

Wei's eyes go wide.

Wei starts kicking Wangji with his foot but Wangji doesn't care. He starts preparing Wei's hole for his dick with his tongue.


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