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"Yeah, we're kinda a mishmosh of a lot of things, but if there's one thing I know, it's that we love each other, even if we don't show it sometimes."


I heard Lila's voice call out to me. Wasn't she still angry with me?

"Kendall! I need to talk to you!"

I didn't turn around as I sat on the swing in my backyard. Things had been falling apart in the small group of closely-knit friends I had.

Lila was mad at me because I accidentally broke the necklace her mom gave to her.

Max was mad at Gavin because Gavin asked Lila out when he knew full well that Max liked her.

Maggie had drifted away from us because she had become better friends with a girl on her soccer team.

And the whole thing just stressed Soji out, so he tried to stay away from all of us.

"Kendall! I said I need to talk to you," Lila said, breathing hard from running to my house.

I looked up at her but still said nothing.

"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry I got so mad. I know it was an accident but it was my mom's and it was pretty special to her."

Nodding, I stood up and hugged her. "Thank you. I'm still really sorry I broke it."

Lila chuckled. "It's fine. You can stop worrying."


"Hey, Max!" Gavin called to his friend. "Do you want to go get Soji and we can go to the park and play some soccer?"

I looked up from the manga I was reading. Gavin stood in my driveway. I was still mad at him, but it wasn't such a big deal now.

I realized I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Lila anyway.

"Sure. Soj is actually here. He's in the house getting a snack. We were just enjoying the weather and reading."

Gavin laughed. "Come on," he said as Soji walked out with a plate of chips and salsa.

"What's going on?" asked Soji

"We're gonna go play some soccer at the park," Max told him.

Soji sighed and looked down at his plate longingly. "I'm sorry, chips. You'll have to wait..."


I heard my phone start ringing while I was fixing my hair in the bathroom attached to my room. "Who is it?" I asked Wysteria.

"It's a...Soji Takamasi."

I set my hair straightener down and ran to answer it. I hadn't talked to Soji in such a long time.

"Soji! It's good to hear your voice. What's up? Oh. Right now? Well, Ria's here. Kendall said that's fine? Okay, awesome! We'll be there! Okay, you're a gem. See you guys then! Bye!"

Ria looked at me, completely confused. "That was my friend. He and my other friends invited us down to the beach for a bonfire," I explained.

"Oohhhhhhh, that makes more sense!" Ria exclaimed with a smile.


When everyone had gathered at the beach, the sun was already bringing to set.

Max lit up the fire. Maggie and Lila played in the water while Kendall sat on the beach with Wysteria and Gavin. Soji set up his tripod and camera to take pictures.

"Come on, I want to take one of those silhouette pictures where we all jump in the air! Look, the sun is beginning to set! It's the perfect time!" Soji called to the other six teens.

Talking and laughing, they all gathered around. Soji set the timer and raced over to his group of friends.

"On one," Max began.

"Two," said Kendall.

"Three!" they all shouted together as they jumped up, sand flying out from under their feet.

Soji went back over to see how it turned out. He smiled.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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