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This chapter contains bits of violence. Reader discretion is advised.


"I'll think about you every day," Lucas said and kissed me.

"Me too, I'll hold you dearly in my heart for days to come." I returned the kiss.

"Princess. I love you."

"Me too Luke, I-"

"Ah, shut up! Stop this soap opera shit before he misses the plane for goodness sake," Mary screeched.

We both glared at her before Lucas pulled me in for one last hug. It felt like he was leaving for good, even though I knew it was going to be for three days only.

I was already missing him.

"I wish you didn't have to go."

Lucas sighed, his breath hitting my neck where he had placed his head. "Me too."

This was going to be our first time apart, and I was so not ready for it. The only part that made me dread it even more was knowing nothing I would do or say could make him stay. Lucas had to do this. For the company.

If he did it well, maybe he would be promoted to some higher-up position and become even richer than he was already. Ever since sleeping over at his, I couldn't help but wonder where he got so much money to afford such a mansion, but I never asked.

What bugged me more was how he didn't seem to live with anyone, except the guards; who lived in a cottage right outside the house. If it wasn't for Cinnamon, he'd have been the loneliest guy I've ever met, even more so than me. My family isn't perfect, but I guess it's better than living alone in a mansion like his.

"Your flight leaves in ten minutes. Get the fuck away from her or I'll call security." Mary screamed again after we prolonged the hug.

Jerald managed to pull me away from Lucas, a distraught expression on his face. Ever since a few weeks ago, he had been a bit out of it. He had even stopped using broken English to annoy his sister, and a depressing air hung around him everywhere he went—as if something was bothering him.

"You'll miss the plane. I'll keep her safe for you," he mumbled to Lucas.

" Got it. But don't forget to talk to Kayla. She thinks you're ignoring her."

" Yes sir."

Just like that, my boyfriend was gone on a business trip. As I watched him wave at us, I couldn't shake off the nostalgic feeling of dread seeping up from my gut.

Been a long time since I felt my gut protest.

Jerald hugged me by the shoulders and dragged me out of the airport. His grip on me was firm, and knowing him, I'd say he wanted to tell me something; but couldn't. So I clasped his hand and stopped, making Jerald furrow his brows in response.

"What is wrong Jer?"

"Jer?" His face relaxed as he let out a laugh, and for a moment there, I thought our Jerald was back.

"Yes, Jer. What's wrong?"

He paused and ruffled his hair whilst nibbling nervously at his lip. Yep, something was definitely up.

"Don't take this the wrong way Iris but..."

Now it was my turn to furrow my brows. "but what?"

"Did you happen to have a meeting with the CEO of your company last week?"

Uh oh...

" Yes. Why?" I stuttered. How did he know that?

Jerald's eyes widened at my reply. "Did he do something to you?" He asked gripping my shoulder.

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